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Everything posted by Anahid

  1. At this point, the mulish part of me has just decided I'm going to Armenia regardless, just through other means.
  2. I completely get it. One of the many reasons I did not choose to stay there for my PhD.
  3. College TA? Yeah, I completely understand. It's really disheartening, especially how some Purdue profs reacted to the initial alerts (i.e., continued lecturing, did not take any precautions to keep the students safe by locking doors, closing windows, or turning off lights). I can just feel myself getting upset as I type this. The shooting took place 5 blocks from my old apartment (which I left last summer)
  4. I appreciate it. I didn't love Purdue, but I still have friends there and it hits home, regardless. Thank you very much.
  5. Well, I guess it takes a school shooting at my grad school alma mater to take my mind off the Fulbright. I went to Purdue. Not to be Debbie Downer here, but it gives you perspective for sure. Wishing you all well
  6. I completely agree. Plan on being surrounded by friends. For me, I will have wine/beer and ice cream available at the ready.
  7. Is anyone else's stomach just in knots at this point? If you are calm and level-headed right now, props to you!
  8. Well, for me, I don't think it's going to be a huge issue. UNHCR Armenia has agreed to support my research so I hope that means it's okay? I know that women's rights is a big issue in Armenia, unfortunately, so I heard this topic is desirable.
  9. I completely agree! I have a cultural anthropology background as well. My project is in Armenia and I want to focus on post-violence situations, like ethnic Armenian refugee women from Syria, Iraq, and Azerbaijan who are all living in Armenia and how they establish intra-group solidarity and networks. Basically, if they help each other survive after escaping or if they are independent of each other. I'm explaining this very poorly!
  10. Hello, fellow anthropologist specializing in women and violence! What a fascinating, yet very depressing, topic.
  11. Ugh. When do they e-mail you? I have a friend who was accepted for the Fulbright research grant to Egypt and couldn't go at the last-minute
  12. An early good morning and happy MLK Day to you all! So, I received an e-mail this morning from another Fulbright Armenia research grantee (she went recently). A friend introduced us via e-mail and I told her about my project proposal and vice versa. Then, she remarked how nice it is that Fulbright Armenia is doling out research grants again because they cut the program last year and were only giving it to ETAs. I'm really panicking now, and want to double-check my sources/connections. I know I'm the only Armenia applicant on this forum, but has anyone heard of something like this? This is the first time I'm hearing it.
  13. I'm thinking probably not Monday...maybe you're right about Thursday or Friday?
  14. I also intentionally planned going out for drinks today and being super busy, so good strategy!
  15. And seriously, hurry up, Fulbright!
  16. And my puppies and the gentlemen of Washington, DC (move to DC if you are single, seriously)
  17. Thank you for asking!! I'm sure all of us appreciate it!
  18. I'm also at the office and it's all I can think about, no matter how much I try to throw myself in my work! Hang in there!
  19. Yeah, no word yet. If their office was in DC, I would probably be camping on the front steps right now. I wish I was joking
  20. Ugh! The anxiety is killing me! It's even worse realizing they probably already made their decision by now. ARGH!!!
  21. Omg the survey was a freaking tease! I was about to take a conference call when I checked my e-mail and saw the survey. I gasped and slapped my keyboard, only to find out it was nothing. And then there's the "understanding" message, "we know you're freaking out. You will find out this month." Damn....
  22. Sending good vibes to you all! Not to sound sappy, but I appreciate the mutual support!
  23. That being said, I'll make sure that day is jam-packed full and to do my best to avoid my phone or laptop!
  24. Great idea! I haven't mentioned it to anyone not because I think it will give me a leg-up, but because I don't want to scare the employers away with the uncertainty of the Fulbright application. Thank you!
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