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    Cats. Traveling. Straight Edge. Music.
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    2014 Fall

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  1. Great advice. I am not entirely sure if I will reapply next year for the same programs. I may need to really have a look at "fit" from a more serious angle. I thought I did that pretty well this season, but judging by my lack of acceptances I think I was wrong. By next season's applications I will have: completed my MA (art history), completed an internship at a large museum in L.A., and possibly completed a research/registrar project with a curator at a smaller museum where I currently work. I did apply to multiple art history programs as well as an archaeology program, but I think I might have better luck all around once the MA is actually complete. I'd love to share my SOP when it is ready. I would also retake the GRE since I wasn't feeling all that well when I took it before and could have scored higher on the verbal if I tried again. I also really want to have my thesis paper completed for the adcomms to review. I think I have done enough extracurricular stuff to prove I am committed to my cause, so I am looking to really focus on my SOP and finding a place that's a good fit. I'm going to troll the art history boards to look for good information in that realm.
  2. Got my rejection notice just now. Once again I didn't shed a tear! No use crying over this stuff. I might reapply next year and I'd love to have some feedback on my SOPs and CV in the future if anyone wants to keep in touch.
  3. Xstopfloating That is GREAT NEWS! I know you've been hanging around on the UCLA wait list for some time now so I am glad you have a good option now. Good luck =)
  4. Forsaken, I can't say I blame them. A low ass stipend in an expensive city coupled with seeing the amount of money that goes into sports at these universities...I'd be pissed too! UCI has no football team though so I'm curious what their beef is. I guess it's time to really push my Plan B or make changes to next seasons application!
  5. I know there were some strikes at UCI (my alma mater) but I only heard about it once and it was from a politically active and left-leaning sociology grad student. Nothing ended up in the news down here. I'm curious about what they are striking over. Displeasure at the student level might make a rejection from UCLA a blessing in disguise! Anyway, I'm hoping UCLA at least cuts is loose soon. I do know someone that got into Cotsen from the waitlist, but perhaps that was an anomaly.
  6. Screencheck, I emailed last week as well and I have heard nothing. The person I emailed is usually very quick with responses so I have a feeling, though I could be wrong, that she knows the answer to my questions but has been asked to withhold for whatever reason. I'm assuming that they have a date picked to let everyone know at the same time, but as the months tick by I am already trying to make new plans for fall. I will let you know if I hear anything.
  7. I'm STILL waiting to hear back from UCLA. It seems like the middle of April might be when us wait listed folks start hearing back. Trying to be patient.....
  8. I've emailed UCLA, and so have other students that I know on the wait list, and we haven't received any responses yet. I am assuming that now that UCLA is back from break and starting their Spring quarter that decisions could be finalized next week. Since it's a public school I am also thinking that some funding had to be sorted out before more folks could be let in. I don't want to be pesky so I won't be contacting them again until after April 15th. I have started to make some plans for Fall, but they are all tentative at this point. Let's hope we hear some good news this week!
  9. Thank you for your perspective and thoughts, aarch! I know making this choice is a biggie for all the applicants and I would also be taking my time to make sure I was making the best possible decision for myself. We will all hear soon enough and, hopefully, we will like what we hear! Daisy, don't lose too much hope. I know I mentioned it before but I know a person (in real life!!) that was accepted to this very program from the wait list in the past. I also know two other people that have been accepted to programs at UCLA from their respective wait lists. It does happen. In the meantime, let's not give ourselves ulcers worrying about it
  10. I'm still waiting on UCLA...it's getting really painful at this point. I'm trying to plan my summer and fall and can't yet!
  11. I'm thinking that we won't hear anything until it's closer to April 15th. It seems like since we haven't heard anything, we won't hear until we near the deadlines for most of these other places. It seems like April 15th is a big deadline for all these other schools. Maybe once that deadline passes and all these folks have decided where they are going some decisions will be made about us. It's def frustrating to not have a way to make any decisions at all...everything is waiting on OTHER people to make decisions for you. Such is life.
  12. Perhaps you could get a ticket that would still allow you to attend if admitted? I have no plans for summer anyhow since I'm working. But I'd like to consider my Fall travel options! I bet we won't hear till closer around April 15 since that's when most of the grad deadlines are for acceptance. Guess they have to wait for their first choices to at yes or no!! I get it, really, but considering that the alternates applied and paid the same fees you'd think someone would throw is a bone, if only as a common courtesy.
  13. Yeah it seems a little strange that not one person on the wait list on grad cafe has heard anything. You'd think one of us would have been released from the list or accepted by now.
  14. Kinda, but I was like "Hey nice lady, I am on the wait list and I am wondering what the timeline is like and maybe when I can have my life back so I can plan my Fall 2014 out and shit because I kinda want to go on a trip and I can't if I am enrolled at your super awesome school but if you reject me I can go on a trip and soothe my wounded ego with coffee and European men. So, lady, what say you?" Expect I didn't say it like that at all. Let's hope she writes back!
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