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Everything posted by lucyyy19

  1. I also started volunteering for a social service agency. But it's mostly child care while parents go to assigned court parenting classes. What does your volunteer consist of? Really considering yoga!
  2. I had not received anything from them since they sent me a confirmation email that they had received my application. Lets keep each other updated
  3. I just got the same email! I refreshed my emails and it came out. That it was sent to graduate department for final review. Idk what this means!
  4. Lucky you! I haven't received anything from them :/ that's what I get for turning in so close to deadline
  5. Congrats! When did u submit ur application? I've been checking online and it just says submitted-pending decision :/
  6. Awesome! When did u apply? And did they send u an email as well? Once again congrats!!! What is your focus?
  7. I am in the same page! I really really REALLY want to go CSULB. It is a great program, 15 minutes away from home, and the price tag is amazing compared to USC. But your right, USC is USC lol When did you submit ur application to USC? I applied with a 3.5 upper division GPA, 5 years of experience at a low-income middle school, dealing with students who have academic and behavioral problems. I recently started volunteering at a child abuse prevention non-profit, started in January but I still included in resume. My goal is to work at a school, as a PSW so i hope CSULB see's that as sufficient experience. I also heard that personal experience is also taken into consideration, I really hope so!
  8. I applied January 24 and now I am more worried. I haven't received anything since the confirmation e-mail that they received my application. It is my first choice but I hear how difficult it is! What was your application status last year? GPA? Experience? I applied to UCLA near deadline and CSULB. Turning in USC today, I wasn't going to apply because the price tag is just TOO much but I am just going to give it a shot.
  9. January 24, wish I could have submitted earlier but had to wait for letters of recommendation. I asked the chair from my department who was also my professor, he went on Winter break so it took a bit longer.
  10. Nothing yet! I've been checking on here but seems like no one has :/
  11. Okay awesome. Thanks! I mean it was my upper division GPA, which they asked for. I think...lol. I submitted mine a week ago. I wonder when they will start to send out e-mails...or ANYTHING! Did u apply anywhere else?
  12. Thank you for that! I really hope so. I started my application for USC but the price tag is the only thing holding me back a bit I am thinking of just applying and then seeing what they offer. I am also hoping CSULB takes that into consideration. My GPA is a 3.5 but I got my BA in Liberal Studies so idk if that will affect my chances. When did you submit your CSULB app?
  13. And for experience. I don't have much in social services but I have been working in a low income middle school for 5 years. Helping children who have emotional, behavioral and academic challenges. And I currently started volunteering at a social service agency. Ahhhh this is nerve wrecking. I hope my experience is some what good. :/
  14. I think I read somewhere in the form to put how many hours a week. So I just added that in the resume.
  15. I submitted mine on Friday and got the confirmation e-mail a couple of hours later. And Ardnas058, yea all my reference forms included. Did any of your LoR submit a letter as well?
  16. Finally submitted csulb. Now waiting...
  17. Currently working on it. Hoping to submit this week. U?
  18. waiting as well.......
  19. Haven't submitted lb yet. I'm trying to finish UCLA by tomorrow so I can finish lb. What about you?
  20. Yea I sent them in today . And I am sending my transcripts. I have only attended one school. But I filled out the form we have to submit for the last 90 units (since I attended a quarter system school) Ahhhh darn it. I missed out. Any tips on the personal statement? and are any of you having trouble with your recommenders?
  21. I didn't go to the diversity fair. I am sure all information was valuable. Is there any information you would like to share? It would be really helpful. I also called about the transcripts today and I was wrong. They said to send them in as soon as possible and they would match them with your application. I thought we had to turn in application before sending in transcripts (That is the process with USC).
  22. Yea I am applying to CSULB, CSULA and USC. What about you?
  23. me too! lol
  24. Ahhhh good luck! I will also be doing micro-mental health and also interested in working with youth. Did you receive your bachelors in social work?
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