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Posts posted by FinallyAccepted

  1. Winters are cold, but if you're from New York, you'll probably be fine. For safety, I would make sure that there is a basement. It doesn't necessarily have to be yours. When my husband and I lived together, we lived in a small little 2-bedroom apartment that was right behind campus (off 9th and Mississippi) and we spent around 600 for rent (this was 2006-2007). We were on the second floor, but if there was a tornado warning, we could go downstairs to the communal laundry room area. If you're looking to rent a house, rather than an apartment, most probably have basements anyway, but it would be good to have one. Tornado watches and warnings are pretty common, but I've lived in Kansas for 30 years and have never seen a tornado (besides people's amateur footage that gets sent to the news station). I've been hustled into basements while out doing stuff (including seeing Brand New at a show at Liberty Hall), but have never been in an actual tornado. So there definitely are tornadoes, but being in the wrong place at the wrong time to be in one is less common. I wouldn't be too concerned about them.


    As for when you should start looking, you could probably start looking around now, but many leases go through July 31st with people subletting their places over the summer if they go home for the summer or graduated in May. We sublet a place one summer that we ended up staying in and renting when the school year started.


    The fraternities and sororities are distributed throughout campus (Tennessee St., West Campus Road, and Indiana St. as they get close to campus). They might be something to avoid if you're needing more quiet. There are a couple of bars on 14th street right next to campus that (when I lived there) got pretty loud on the weekends and when students didn't have class the next day. So there are some areas to avoid, but you can easily be within walking or biking distance from campus if you don't have or want to bring a car with you.

  2. I think that just depends on what you're willing to spend. As an undergrad, I always lived with roommates, but they were people I already knew. I never had to find a stranger for a roommate.

  3. Hey everyone!


    I got an offer from KU for the Phd porgram in Physics and Astronomy (5 year) and I just accepted it a few days back. I am an international student from Pakistan. I have never been to US and I really don't know where to start from. So I would really appreciate any help that I might be able to get.


    I would like to start by looking around for an apartment. I read the posts earlier and they were really helpful. Can someone please tell me what Craigslist is? And how do we go around looking for a place to live using that?


    Craigslist is a website where you can search for any of a number of things, including available housing. You can message each person who posts a listing individually. Here are Lawrence apartments. http://lawrence.craigslist.org/search/apa The closer you are to campus and the dorms, the louder it will be and the more undergrads there will be. Rent is pretty reasonable in Lawrence. I went there for undergrad, and as I search for apartments in Boulder (moving for PhD program), I only WISH I was paying Lawrence prices.


    Plus it's a fun place to live with some of my favorite places to eat. Kansas City is only a 30 minute drive away (so we go back to Lawrence frequently).

  4. My husband may not be able to transition out of his job until later this year, so I may move there on my own to start as well. I'll have custody of the dogs, though.


    I agree that as much as we want to figure out the logistics of moving, it's a bit early to know what will actually be available since we're not ready to move right now.

  5. I don't know much about that program - but I LOVE boulder! Congrats!


    Thank you. We're really looking forward to moving. My SO is more excited about the Boulder aspect of it than I am. I'm excited to get started with research.


    They've got a ridiculously good intergroup relations group there so I echo the congrats! The only downside is that I hear it's hard to go jogging because of the altitude ;)


    It took a couple of times, but that's why I really wanted to be there.


    I've been rooting for you since I joined this forum. Congrats!


    That's so sweet of you to say. Thanks so much.


    Congrats!! :)


    Yay! Thanks!

  6. Multiple questions here...Has anyone been admitted to the Experimental program at UNC-Greensboro (specifically Cognitive, but will take news from any track) yet? Has anyone heard anything from UNCG, such as rejection or waitlist?


    Last month, I was told my application was still under consideration, but haven't heard back. I don't won't to pester them, so I'm asking here. I'm thinking I'm either on a waitlist if someone declines or I have been rejected and they haven't updated it yet.


    Thanks for any updates from your situation if you have applied to the Experimental program at UNCG.





    I have no details about that program, but if it's a PhD program and you still haven't heard, I think it's appropriate to pester them. If applicants only have until 4/15 to make decisions, they should have let you know something by now.

  7. I've met some band members before and after events to snag pictures, but for someone I've actually met, talked to, and knows my name: Victor Raider-Wexler (the actor who plays the landlord who evicts Will Smith in "The Pursuit of Happyness"). Not the most famous, but he's been in a bunch of random stuff. I taught both of his daughters and met with him for parent-teacher conferences. After I no longer had his kids, he'd still stop and say hi to me when he came for conferences with other teachers.



  8. Well, finally got the rejection from Stony Brook.  At least they didn't send it on April Fool's Day...


    Yeah that's true. Got mine as well. Not like I'm shocked in the slightest. I got Indiana's today too. At least I already knew to expect them.

  9. Not great so far, honestly. I graduated from undergrad in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in social studies and psychology education and secured a job teaching AP Psychology to high school juniors and seniors. In 2011, I entered a part-time non-funded master's program (which maybe won't have been worth it) which I graduated from in 2014 with a Master of Science in General Psychology. This is my second round of PhD applications, and I look to be shut out once again. I'm finally quitting my teaching job (maybe the net was holding me back from putting myself fully out there and giving it all I have) and am looking for research assistant jobs, but it looks like I'm getting shut out of those just as much as PhD programs. I'm a bit jaded about the process, and while my husband is convincing me to try YET again next year if I truly get rejected from everywhere, I just don't know. I imagine I probably will, but if I can't get a research assistant position or something to beef up my application between now and then, I just don't know that there would be much point to reapplying.


    I don't know what subfield you're interested in, but I applied to Social Psychology programs which are some of the most competitive (when UW rejected me last week, they mentioned 700 applicants and 20 spots available, which is less than a 3% acceptance rate overall for their psych PhD). So this is not the most optimistic response, but a very honest one. Make sure you have something that makes you shine, because I feel like places might be looking for those young, scrappy out-of-undergrad types. I never really felt like my non-traditional background was all that helpful. Life experience doesn't publish journal articles.


    (I swear I started out this 2nd application season much more hopeful than I am right now...)

  10. I have about 5 schools left to respond for Social Psychology Ph.D. programs but I didn't interview at any of them. Is it possible or has it happened where people have been accepted without having a an interview before? 


    Seriously! I get that I'm probably going to be rejected and I've made my peace with it, but they could send a freaking notification! I have a handful of schools which have sent me NOTHING yet, and as far as I've seen on the Results Page, others haven't been rejected either: Miami U of Ohio, Stony Brook U, UCSB, Indiana-Bloomington. It's two weeks out from having to officially decide and they haven't sent anything, yet. From my signature, it's obvious that I'm not needing this information to pick between schools, but that doesn't mean others aren't waiting for that info.

  11. Quote:

    They wrote: "Your application was absolutely excellent, you were the best applicant ever. But, we were not able to go through your mediocre GREs. Try to retake them and apply next year." OMG :P They wrote blahblah, I say: "Fuck that shit..." Hey men, wasted money, wasted time, wasted everything!!!

  12. It's been 2 years and 20 applications. Two waitlists are all that stand between me and being shut out completely. If I hear one more person tell me "Don't worry, you'll make it off the wait list." I think I'm just going to kick them in the shin... or the balls. I'm trying to get a research assistant or lab manager position, but if that doesn't work out, there's basically no reason for me to reapply for year #3.


    I really loved one of the programs. After I visited, I felt it was a perfect fit. My POI even had a similar background to me, and then I got waitlisted. I'm just so depressed and frustrated.

  13. When I went to an interview at one of the programs for social psych, all three of us who were hoping for the spot with a specific POI had at least some graduate training. My masters is finished, and the other two were working on theirs.

    I have a masters, am on the waitlist for 2 schools, and am probably rejected from 9 others. Take that for what you will. I haven't been accepted anywhere, but I don't know what the situation would be if I didn't have a masters. So I can't say yet how much it's helped.

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