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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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    Fulbright ETA - Brazil - ACCEPTED! :)

FingersCrossed_118's Achievements

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Espresso Shot (4/10)



  1. Hi Mozartgirl, I believe it applies to all countries, but since I'm sure this is hardship for most people - especially to a far away place like SSA, maybe contact Jeremy and see if it is possible for him/the Fulbright office to book the ticket. I'm sure it's a common issue for people. My fingers are still crossed for you! I hope everything works out with the transcript and that you hear back soon!!
  2. Hey coffee_craver! First off, congratulations on the Brazil ETA! I will be joining you. Can't wait!! As for airfare, we pay for it out of pocket but we have to buy an economy ticket or use our own money for an upgrade. They then reimburse us. As for arrival/departure dates, the orientation handbook says it has to "more or less" correspond around the beginning and end of the country's school year, whatever that means. So excited to meet you! And we have a Facebook group - Fulbright ETA Brazil Grantees 2015. Parabéns!
  3. Yay!!!! Congratulations GnosisExchange!!!!! That's fantastic news!!!
  4. To everyone that is still waiting - I know you're all at the end of your ropes, but hang in there! Closure will come soon. My fingers are still crossed that you will get news this week so the anxiety goes down. You are all hardworking, deserving people or you wouldn't have made it this far!
  5. My thoughts exactly! There are four people now but I swear I saw more people on this thread that got the ETA.
  6. Obrigada, olioliwoo!!! I'm holding out so much hope for you!! I believe in karma and you're such a positive, motivated person I'm sending all the good energy your way. Keep me updated!!!
  7. Attention Brazil ETA Grantees! We now have a Facebook group. The group name is: Fulbright Brazil ETA Grantees 2015. Here is the link! https://www.facebook.com/groups/250582515128325/
  8. Maliyazi and Mozartgirl53, thank you both so much!! I really appreciate your support and this forum - it's been such a help throughout the process. I'm rooting for both of you so hard - I know how exhausting this wait can be, but you're almost there! You can do it! Keeping my fingers crossed for both of you!!
  9. OF COURSE during the ONE HOUR I do not check my email because I am at Pilates class I get an email and a phone call from my FPA...... I'M GOING TO BRAZIL!!!!!!! Vamos, gente!!!!! SO excited and thrilled and ecstatic!!!!!! Congratulations to all my other Brazilian Fulbrighters!!!!! Shall we start a Facebook group?!?!?
  10. Don't lose hope! Lots of grad schools have deposit deadlines of April 15th, so maybe there are people who were accepted to both grad school and Fulbright and will decide to put deposits down for grad school instead!
  11. Congratulations!!!!! That is fantastic!!!!!! And (P) stands for Principle Candidate. There is also (NS) Non-Select or (A) Alternate.
  12. I called Jody Dudderer, the Brazil program manager. Brazil has a different program manager than the rest of South America, but your person is Susan Muendi.
  13. Brazil - it's this week. Not "soon" and not "hopefully this week". It's actually this week. I called and asked and she gave me a very definite "this week."
  14. Feliz segunda-feira, Brazilian Fulbright waiters! Here's to hoping we hear back today - Mondays are historically the most common day Brazil people have been notified. And since last Monday Fulbright told me "hopefully this week!" then I'm hopeful it's today!
  15. Congratulations, Malaysia Fulbrighters!!
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