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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fort Worth, Texas
  • Interests
    Panama. Cultural History. Authoritarianism. Resistance. Graphic art. Playing Pool :)
  • Application Season
    Already Attending
  • Program
    Latin American History

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  1. I have been an avid follower of this thread but have not posted until now. I am concerned that we are all hearing very different updates from our school representatives. My rep has not heard anything from the Fulbright Hays DDRA. When she inquired a few weeks ago, DDRA notified her that no news is still good news. I am going to speculate that everyone is being notified at different times but will hear before the end of this month. It would be uncharacteristic of DDRA to not notify candidates of their acceptance, alternate, and rejection status. For those of you who haven't heard, I'm in the same boat.
  2. Thank you! Very helpful. Gracias, amigo!
  3. Are you an alternate for the research or eta? I hope we hear back. I'm just thankful I can still wish for it.
  4. A question for other alternates. What are our chances of being bumped up? I am an alternate for a research grant to Panama. Also, do they tend to call rather than send an email if you get promoted? I'm trying to be optimistic. Any thoughts?
  5. Would anyone be interested in starting a fulbright writing group? We could look over each others essays and offer advice?
  6. Thanks everyone. This forum has been wonderful. I wasn't joking about getting towed. When i got the NS, i parked in a random parking lot and ran crying to my adviser's office. We i walked back, my car was gone. $390 bucks to get it back. You know what though, it meant nothing. I am starting to realize that i just need to reapply, have better options, and use this as a maturing experience. It hurts, but, as you all have said, we are passionate people. I can get back up. For all the NS, life goes on. Here's to 2015-2016
  7. NS and my car just got towed. Thanks everyone.
  8. AWESOME! Pure Awesome! Thanks everyone! I hope this positive energy helps us with grants. I hope people applying next year don't get discouraged by the budget cuts. Yes the budget cuts are sad, but the grant will be ten times more prestigious. I'm just trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel.
  9. I think our thread needs a happy boost! Can our tech savvy friends upload some awesome memes or gifs! I think we might need some
  10. Oh man! Was the food free at least?! I'm right there with you! too bad we all can't have lunch and vent in person!
  11. My roommate told me earlier today, "you seem to be handling the wait well." HAHAHA! She is lucky that I have this forum or I would have lost it months ago. How did people endure the wait before the internet?!
  12. What a good outlook! It's nice to know that there are humans working for Fulbright and not robots who email automated messages.
  13. 8pm?! That sounds horrible! There is no point in figuring it out :/
  14. That's the worst! Nice of them to include you though maybe you'll hear today!
  15. Does anyone have news for central and south america? Central was notified May 6 so i'm trying to not freak out.
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