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Everything posted by autumn

  1. Hey all! I hope you're fairing well this application season. I went through it last year; I know how rough it can be. Just keep swimming... I'm just checking in to say hi and to offer my support. I ended up at UT Austin RTF so, if you have any questions, feel free to message me. For everyone else, best of luck!
  2. Hey everyone! I'll be starting a PhD in Media Studies in the Radio-Television-Film department. I'm using an apartment agent right now and I recommend it. It's been helpful so far.
  3. autumn

    Austin, TX

    Hi all! Well, late notice, but I'll be attending UT Austin this fall. Yay! I know that Hyde Park and Far West are the general grad places. Does anyone have specific recommendations for complexes and/or rental brokers? Not having a place to live is really unsettling for me so I'd love to get the ball rolling here. Thanks in advance!
  4. Nice! I'm glad PS. Is anyone here attending (currently or soon-to-be) UT Austin, preferably RTF?
  5. Thanks How about you? Have you figured out what you're doing about housing yet?
  6. Thank you! Yes and no. Logically, no, I mean I already accepted another offer, registered for classes, signed a lease, etc. Ideally, yes, because I imagine it would positively impact my education and improve my chances of getting a TT job later.
  7. I just got accepted to a school this morning... 9 days after the agreed upon deadline. I know schools don't HAVE to follow the deadline but way to throw a wrench in the works after I've already accepted another offer. It's generally really frowned upon to change your acceptance. I know that. And I know it's a small subfield. But it's a much better regarded program in my field...
  8. This! I have a stack of books that I want to read now so I will be better prepped and possibly won't be as overloaded in the fall. But I also want to just veg until the real work begins.
  9. No problem! I use it all the time so I thought it may help!
  10. The last Utah thread was back in 2012 so I'm bringing this back. Anyone going to SLC next year? I'll be starting a doctoral program there but I've been living here for a while if anyone has a question.
  11. As much as I detest that man's politics, that's a really apt quote. Thanks for sharing!
  12. For Evernote, you can download a free app (one of theirs) called Scannable. It's their document camera and it transfers straight to Evernote.
  13. I'm working, mostly, and finishing up my teaching responsibilities from spring. Presented at a conference a couple of weeks ago. I've also gone a little list crazy (books to read, articles to read, questions to ask, arrangements to make, etc.). As someone who has a little too much fun organizing and planning, I've also gone a bit overboard with Evernote. I've made templates for class notes, lesson plans, teaching presentations, advisor meeting minutes, general meeting minutes, reading notes, etc. Now, I'll just be able to copy a template to the right notebook and plug in the new information into a presentation-ready format. I've also been reading books on teaching strategies and class prep. So, so excited.
  14. The majority of my classes are 3-6pm.
  15. Yeah, that's a bummer. My faculty were generally just happy expect for two: one was super pleased because he went there and the other was a bit disdainful, tbh. Which, honestly, after all the effort we've gone though, felt a little like a personal slight lol
  16. This is a great idea; very excited to see the responses. My question is... for those of you who attend classes AND teach, what is your typical schedule like with teaching, prep, grading, office hours, etc.?
  17. Congrats!! So I went for a campus tour this week and met with my potential advisor. I couldn't be more impressed (although I probably made the worst impression I've ever lol). His past advisees from the last 10 years have been emailing me telling me how awesome he is. Super excited!
  18. Sorry to hear that but I was, too. Solidarity! For those of you who are on wait lists... are you following up with the coordinator or just waiting patiently for an update?
  19. Congrats!! I'm glad you hear you've made a decision, hard as it may have been. What was the final deciding factor?
  20. Like you, I'm worried about the delay between current job and grad school paycheck. I plan to quit at the end of July (I have an academic job and it's easier to train and transition to a replacement between semesters, as opposed to August.... plus, I want a short break before starting school) but I won't get a paycheck until the end of the first full month, i.e. September. So I need to have bills and living expenses for August and September, plus all the associated moving costs (movers, storage, rental and/or Realtor fees, car registration, driver's license, first semester books, etc.). I did all the math. It's just depressing math.
  21. Adjuncting this spring and summer + web design jobs in addition to my full time job. Still going to be a stretch. Relocating is so expensive, especially as an adult. I miss being able to just toss my crap in the car and go...
  22. I know we're still waiting for news from a few schools but has anyone made a final decision about where they'll be attending and/or whether or not they'll do another round of applications next year?
  23. Congrats! I hope they can come through with some decent funding for you!
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