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Everything posted by autumn

  1. So, are there any more questions you would ask on an interview visit? Hopefully, jujubea won't be the only one in this situation and I know I'd love to hear your questions, too. Thanks!
  2. I've definitely - unfortunately - dealt with racism and sexism with my students, both directed at me and just mid-discussion. To be fair, I usually teach the diversity/representation/media matters classes so these are things we discuss. But I've had some blatantly sexist comments and some really aggressive questions about my ancestry. Again, to be fair, I teach in Utah.
  3. rate inflation
  4. gift exchange
  5. ^ Yup. And I went a little overboard on the spring cleaning, which whatever. There are worse ways to kill time.
  6. I have about 15 financial questions but I think that's more appropriate after you've already accepted the offer lol
  7. Oh, I'm really excited to hear everyone's answers to this. I would ask... 1) How are advisors chosen? (if applicable, many of the schools I applied to, the DGS assigns the first advisor and then you have the opportunity to ask someone else for the dissertation phase) 2) Which courses do the TAs typically teach? 3) How much input, if any, do they have in regards to the courses they are assigned? 4) Does the department offer any funding for travel/conferences? 5) What kind of summer support, if any, does the program offer? Obviously these will change if these questions are addressed online but the amount of information available on programs varies vastly in my experience.
  8. Congrats! That's great news. I haven't but congrats!! My favorite in-field book at the moment is Show Sold Separately but I recently started a few that are amazing. It changes pretty frequently. Hmm, pleasure reading... I'm working through the Song of Ice and Fire series and (a guilty pleasure) the Shopaholic series. I study TV and I love TV so I watch quite a bit. Recently, I was really enjoying The 100 and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but I'm not loving the second season of either.
  9. Ugh ok I can't take the constant email checking. Time for a distraction! What is your favorite in-field book? What is your favorite pleasure reading book? What's your current favorite TV show (if you watch TV)?
  10. Wow. That picture is amazing and terrifying. So many doll eyes... lol
  11. Are you checking the USConnect or the application page? My app page still says "submitted" but the USConnect is where the letters are sent. usconnect.usc.edu
  12. Yep! The letter was actually dated 1/23 so, if you're worried, maybe just check the status through their website. If there's no letter, I imagine that means you made it to the next round? Maybe? I hope so, anyway!
  13. Rejection #2. Nice way to wake up on a Sunday!

  14. Aww, joining the club of USC rejections. I had little to no hope of being accepted to this school so I'm not surprised. Due to the early deadline, my app was definitely not as strong as it was for the later deadlines. Best of luck to those of you who have not heard or who have been accepted!
  15. Can you call someone in their Registrar's Office, explain the situation, and pay for priority?
  16. Thanks for the advice! It's a signature. At the top of the page, you'll see your screen name and a little arrow. Click that and select "My Settings." In the left-hand menu, you'll see Signature. Just type in what you want and hit save.
  17. Hi there! Not film, no, but TV and media studies for me
  18. No, I haven't heard of that site before; I'll have to look into it. I mostly use airbnb.
  19. Congrats!! That's so exciting! Which area did you apply for?
  20. Ok, that one was much less stressful. She only asked "why our program?" and as soon as I established that I'd researched the program and faculty, she was satisfied. The rest was me asking questions. She said they like to get their decisions out before other schools so I should hear back in the next couple of weeks. They're meeting as a committee to finalize decisions next week. Positive thoughts!
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