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Posts posted by gingin6789

  1. Staying in and heading to bed early, as opposed to going out or staying up late with friends, at night.  I've tried going out at night with friends, but no matter where we go, be it noisy downtown or a low-key bar, I just want to go home to my bed.  My friend had me watch "Up!" with her really late at night (I'm talking like 2am), and it was a great movie, but a tortuous endeavor. I just wanted, more than anything, to sleep ... I get really cranky and weepy in those situations.


    And um ... ketchup.  Ketchup in things such as ramen, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, peas, other soups, and fettucine alfredo ... *hides* I know this thread isn't titled "weird things you love," but I think that falls under the "unpopular" category as well. 

  2. Intersectionality: A term coined by sociologist Kimberle Crenshaw (*swoon*) and made popular by Patricia Hill Collins (*double swoon*), intersectionality refers to "the study of intersections between different disenfranchised groups or groups of minorities; specifically, the study of the interactions of multiple systems of oppression or discrimination."


    For example, you can't properly address feminism without examining the intersections of race and feminism & class and feminism.  You can't fully gauge obesity without looking at race, class, and family.  You can't wholly assess sexual harassment in the medical field without also examining race, class, gender, and sexuality.  Google Chrome and Microsoft Word seem to think that this word doesn't exist, but this word is everything to sociologists.  


    (Statistical) Significance: This means that your data can be generalized to the entire population you are studying.  It also means that p < .05.  It should not be conflated with "substantial" or "important."


    I'll let you know when I think of more ... 

  3. Mom: "So ... how much does that stipend offer leave you to pay for school out of pocket?" (asked tonight, over a month after I got the offer)

    Me: "Oh, mom, I get a tuition waiver, they're basically paying for me to attend there since I'll be working for them as a teaching assistant. I won't pay a dime!"

    Mom: *sigh of relief*

    Me: "Yes, the good thing about grad school is that there are more opportunities for full tuition waivers than in undergrad."

    Mom: *chuckles* "Unless they play sports; then those applicants might have those opportunities in undergrad!"


    I feel so terrible that my mom didn't know about the tuition waiver earlier!!! I never explained it well enough!!  She knows I'm in a good amount of debt from student loans and feels bad that she couldn't help pay for college at all during my undergrad, so she was really worried about me paying/taking out loans for grad school, too ... oh mom, I love you and I'm sorry!  


    Thoroughly explaining funding offers to family is a good idea!!

  4. I agree to all the points above, and if it will help, you can even call the DGS of the other university to let them know that you've accepted an offer elsewhere.


    I went to a recruitment visit at the university I didn't choose in the end, and everyone there was absolutely wonderful to me, treating me with such respect as a student AND as a person, rather than a faceless number, when they weren't even sure they could offer me admission yet!!  They never expected an answer from me then and there, and they always said "If you should choose to attend ... "


    I got the phone call of acceptance a week later.  I felt that my rejection of their acceptance warranted a phone call to the DGS rather than an email.  I simply explained that the other program was a better fit for me at this point in time (I didn't intend on rattling off specific reasons, but I'm a very expressive person, so I did), and the DGS totally understood!!  


    So, my points are as follows:

    - I don't know why they put you on the spot about attending right away! If it was a recruitment visit, your "acceptance" was a pressured response that I don't think they would take as a proper acceptance.

    - You can always call them if you want, or if you're worried how they'll respond!  Chances are, they'll understand.

    - Don't feel bad for feeling badly for rejecting the first school ... I was bawling before I made the phone call to the DGS to reject their offer!  It just shows that you were accepted to two great programs, and that you're very passionate and mindful about making the right graduate school decision!

  5. I had the chance to meet the professor/DGS who sent me my acceptance at a recent conference.  She was the one I ended up sending my acceptance email to.  We had a wonderful chat about the program, my interests, and since she got to see my personality, I knew she would understand that my sincerity and elation were GENUINE, as I couldn't stop saying "Thank you!!" when I met her!


    SO, in addition to Vene's suggestion, if you know the person you are emailing, you can make it more personal and, perhaps, list why you chose the program and the reasons as to why you're so excited to attend the program (program's reputation, funding, location, etc.) =) I hope that bit of information helps!

  6. I have two more things to add to my list:


    - sweet breakfast foods, besides cereal (waffles, pancakes, french toast)

    - "Breakfast for dinner" or "Breakfast all day" specials.  I'd rather have dinner all day (spaghetti for breakfast sounds wonderful!! I've had sushi for breakfast before, too.) 

  7. I used to work as an assistant manager at Abercrombie and Fitch. Terrible.

    I just don't understand why they play what they do! Some of the marketing they're doing is just plain terrible as well!  A phrase equivalent to "Let's get drunk!" is being used as a "clever" marketing double-entendre for a particular item of clothing. An overtly suggestive title is plastered on the front of a coupon we're handing out.  I have no idea what happened!


    My boss once told me that such marketing and lyrics to songs don't matter.  He said "The lyrics could say 'Kill people!' and no one would be listening, they're just listening to it for the beat or the tune!" I wanted to retort, "Yes, but does that make it right??"


    Sorry to vent.  As for candy corn, my friend in New Zealand specifically asked me to mail some to her so she could try it, and she loved it.  Her girlfriend had to hide it from her so she wouldn't eat it all at once! I enjoy it, too.  It's an odd candy though, I'll admit.


    @SocGirl, I actually love ketchup in just about everything that's not sweet, already tomato-based, or that I have another preferred topping for.  

  8. I can claim one of the Brandeis offers. I am aiming to make my decision after I go on some other visits the first week in April (so by Monday 04.07 at the latest). Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions!

    A big congratulations to you!! *offers you cookies*

    Ah, Brandeis is a wonderful school *swoon*. I didn't apply there because location was a huge factor for me for family reasons, so I had to stay close to home. But it is an excellent school, obviously!! Keep us posted on how your visits go!! We'll be rooting for you and look forward to seeing you in the decision thread!! :-D

  9. Yayyy Maleficent!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Finding an apartment isn't fun (I found one, and the first payment for three months is due in July ... way before I get my stipend! looks like a lot of work this spring/summer haha), but once you DO find it, it'll be great to finally settle in!!

  10. Steak.

    Apple pie.

    Cherry pie.

    The music that plays at work (I work at a casual clothing retailer. A few songs aren't bad, but when I hear "Tell them that it's my birthday when I party like that" over and over again, it turns into senseless, droning noise.)

    Watching sports on TV.

    Staying out late for a night on the town.

    DANCING. Please don't make me dance ... 

  11. Here is what I've found out about housing around Lehigh University's campus!


    Riverport Apartments are pricier, but definitely the nicest apartments within walking distance of campus.  From what I can tell (I can't find an official website), base rent for a one-bedroom is somewhere around $1,000 per month.  That could be manageable, depending on the amount of the grad student's stipend.


    From what I hear, Saucon Village and Saucon Valley are good options if you have a car! Just be mindful of the housing lottery procedure for Saucon Village rentals.


    Campus Hill apartments are less expensive and closer to campus.  The name is not misleading; they are a block or two from the outskirts of campus, and they are definitely on a "hill," as the university is situated upon a mountain.  


    The apartments are of good quality: nothing overly fancy, but nothing decrepit in the least.  Mine will have a nice living room space with two closets included, a very tiny kitchen, a hallway with a wall that is indented so that there's room for a table (the folks living in the apartment that I toured opted for an aquarium with a turtle), a closet in the hallway, two bedrooms (one smaller, one slightly bigger), and a small full bathroom.


    From what I can tell, they either don't have one-bedroom options at all, or they simply did not have any left.  I opted for a two-bedroom apartment. The best part is that a fully-furnished (an optional package that is an extra $69 per month per bedroom) two-bedroom apartment, with water, cable/internet, is still less than $1,000 per month.  The furniture included in the optional package includes: "a stylish leather-like sofa and arm chair for your living room, an entertainment stand for your TV, and a coffee table and end table. Your bedroom will be furnished with a raised full-size bed to allow for extra storage and mattress. Also included in your bedroom furniture is a desk, desk chair, a nightstand and two 2-drawer dressers that can be stacked or placed under your bed."The furniture package can save big on moving your current household furniture to campus.


    The only snag?  Quarterly payments!  My lease begins in August, but my first quarterly payment is due July 1.  Since the payments are indeed quarterly, that means I pay three months of rent at a time (A lease beginning in August requires payments on July 1, October 1, December 1, and March 1).  Be mindful of how this coincides with your stipend payments if you are funded!!

  12. I have nothing but wonderful things to say about the area of Newark, DE surrounding the university.  Main Street is great because there are so many places to eat and such a variety of options to choose from!!  


    As for housing, ratlab has a great list of options listed above.  The only thing I'll add is that I was expressly warned AGAINST going to Studio Green.  They apparently changed the name of their apartments because the complex had such a bad reputation.  Again, this is only what I've heard, but the person I heard from is a reliable source who has been at UD for grad school for around five years.


    Living in nearby Wilmington is also a great option if you have a car! There are ample housing options in the area.

  13. I don't think I've ever heard anyone use Penn to refer to Penn State, however an annoying number do mix up the full names - "No, University of Pennsylvania is not in the middle of no where. Pennsylvania State University is."

    For some reason, I never think of Bucknell as a BU- probably because there was a big marketing hubub 3-5 years ago about Boston and Baylor. A former university president was soooo concerned he tried to eliminate "BU" as a logo, and instead only use "BAYLOR". Too bad he forgot the universities have different colors and BU is too engrained in the sports culture (iconic set for the Golden Wave and a couple very popular cheers, also it would have messed up my face painting schedule. BU fits much nicer on a cheek than Baylor)

    Pretty handy way for folks to remember where PSU and UPenn are!!


    Oh, I never knew about that BU hubbub!!  The lengths that former president went to were pretty extreme!!  I'd rather say "BU" for Baylor because, whenever I see Baylor, I just think of my friend who is originally from Vermont (I think) whose last name is Baylor, and it just throws everything off in my mind ... 


    [Not as confusing as the high school bearing my last name in the state I happen to share a first name with.  It was super weird when I found that out!]

  14. So jealous that you're done.  


    I don't even care about the likely rejections I'll be receiving from my last two schools...I just want to hurry up and get the rejections so I can close the door on all this application madness and get on with my life.  

    I really do feel fortunate that:


    1. All of the schools got back to me quite quickly

    2. I received an acceptance and a recruitment visit invite BEFORE receiving my rejection

    3. I only had two acceptances to choose from (turning down one of them was really hard for me)

    4. I received two acceptances in the first place


    I hope the other schools get back to you soon!! 

  15. I'm an awkward December graduate, which left eight months of downtime between December and August where I'm mainly sedentary.  My full-time "job" is as my grandmother's caretaker (at home!!), and I have a part-time job in retail (only 5-10 hours per week, but at a good wage).  


    That, coupled with the fact that I need to be on birth control, and active tabs ONLY at that (meaning I never skip a week; I never stop taking the pills), sets me up for a possible weight gain scenario ...


    And, I love food ... I am usually a stress eater if my stress is rational, if that makes sense.  For example, if I'm stressing about conferences or the like, then I'll eat more.  If I'm stressing because of irrational thoughts in my head, then my appetite shuts down.  


    And, I'm pretty sure I've gained some weight since December, maybe about 3-5 pounds.  My clothes still all fit, thankfully!!  I'm not used to gaining much weight since my metabolism has treated me well (except for when I was on a treatment when I was 19 that set my estrogen levels below that of the average 60-year old woman's estrogen levels), so I hate seeing the number creep up on the scale ...


    I've been trying (TRYING) to eat healthier, and I have been going to the gym more often, thankfully!  


    GOOD NEWS: The school I'm attending in the fall is on a freaking MOUNTAIN.  A current grad student told me my calves will be killer by the end of it!!  Pretty cool!!

  16. Second this. I emailed their DGS and administrative staff three times and so far received no reply. I am just waiting for the rejection so that I could commit to JHU.

    Columbia has just been rather enigmatic about their admission decisions procedure... First, I heard that they sent out all acceptances. Then, a couple more applicants got accepted a while later, then they say they've sent out all notices again, and now the postal service notification... I hope everyone who has applied there gets an answer soon! There must be some kind of reason behind this procedure, but I know it's confusing for the applicants...

  17. Microwaveable hot and sour soup that doesn't taste like hot and sour soup but is still tasty, and I also like the frozen mushroom ravioli meals . they're not that good compared to some of the other yummy things that folks have been posting here!

  18. Hey, luckyone!! 


    I'm not sure about any of these schools, specifically, but I'm willing to bet that other users in this forum will be able to chime in!!


    My suggestion is to look in the "City Guide" forum here!!  You can use the search bar to search the city, or you can just keep scrolling until you find the city where the university is located!  The City Guide gives advice on housing, safety, places to eat, location grocery stores, etc ... it is a very helpful resource to browse until you get more specific answers here!  Good luck!! :)

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