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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Applied Mathematics

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koobear's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Apparently MIT just accepted someone.
  2. From what I hear Duke is very adamantly Bayesian.
  3. I'll give this a shot. So I'll start off by saying my situation isn't typical--I've been out of school for a while and working. I recently finished my MS as well (while working through it--I gotta eat and stuff), and I'm currently employed in data science. I'm applying to just one school and treating it as a job application, more or less. Undergrad Institution: Private, typically ranked in the top 5 for applied mathematics Major(s): Mathematics, Physics Minor(s): None GPA: 3.15 (-_-) ... Type of Student: Domestic GRE General Test: Q: 168 V: 161 W: 4 (Ugh ... When I took the GRE I didn't know what to expect at all and thought the writing portion didn't count) GRE Subject Test in Mathematics: M: 670 (again, ugh) Grad Institution: Small state school (you wouldn't know about it unless you lived in the state) Concentration: Mathematics GPA: 4.0 (maybe this will save me from my craptastic undergrad GPA) Programs Applying: Mathematics Research Experience: Undergrad research for a summer with a math professor and physics professor (no publication). While this doesn't technically count as academic research, I was a research assistant/intern at a company while in grad school Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Nope. Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Work experience in public education, software engineering, and data science Letters of Recommendation: One from my stats professor from my grad program, another from my research advisor from my grad program--the latter is somewhat well known in stats and data science Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Basically said it all already Applying to Where: CUNY GC, Mathematics
  4. Oops, I meant if the school didn't require it.
  5. Oh, and I was wondering if I should submit my math GRE score. I didn't if the school required it, because I thought a 670 would hurt my chances.
  6. Congrats on everyone who got into CMU! To those of you who got in: Do you guys mind posting your scores, GPA, etc. so we can get an idea of what the schools are looking for? And could you provide some info about your application process? Thanks!
  7. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I only applied to places that do offer TA/RA stipends. I'm hoping my financial situation doesn't hinder my chances too much.
  8. Thanks, Stat Applicant. Unfortunately, I'm not really in a place to take classes right now (time and money issues), and isn't it too late? If I don't get in and I still want to try again, I might in the fall. Also, I should probably retake the GREs ... Speaking of money issues, if I get in without financial aid or a stipend, I might not be able to attend. Taking out more loans might not be that great of an idea.
  9. Hi. I've been reading this board and reddit about grad school results, and I've been getting more and more nervous by the day ... Anyway, here are my specs. They're below-average ... Undergrad institution: Top 25 private university Graduation date: Sept 2012 Majors: math, physics (double major, no joint major offered at my school) Minors: None GPA: 3.3 GRE General: 161 V, 168 Q, 4.0 W GRE Math: 670 Research: Small funded project, did not result in publication Other: Took four grad courses (3 math, 1 physics) Applying for: Applied math, computational/numerical physics So my story is, I messed up. By the time I was a senior I knew my academic record wasn't good enough to seriously consider grad school. Besides, I didn't know if that was what I wanted to do. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my degree. I thought I should at least apply though, so one day I signed up for the next GRE session available and went in without knowing what the test was about. I didn't know there was a written portion and spent I think 15 minutes on it before skipping ahead. As for the math GRE, it was too late for normal registration and I was on standby. Again, no research, no prior studying, didn't expect to actually take it. So I didn't really do well on it either. As for everything else, my grades were lacking, I didn't know any faculty, I pretty much failed to complete a research project ... Basically, I had everything available and I didn't take advantage of any of it. My undergraduate career was a plane losing altitude and it finally crashed the second half of my last semester when I failed to graduate. Luckily, it was a relatively easy (but extremely stressful) process to rectify and I graduated after the summer session. So it wasn't a surprise when I didn't get into any of the schools I applied to (UW Madison, UMinnesota, McGill, UBC Vancouver, CUNY, SUNY Stony Brook, all for PhD math). There was one thing, however. A small state school reached out to me and offered me a place in their MS applied math program with a stipend. However, given the shitstorm I was in, I didn't take it. After graduation, I taught math at a high school through a special program that hired temporary teachers/tutors. After a year, I went into IT. And now I have an idea of what I want to do for a living: I learned SQL and Excel/VBA at my job and found out I'm pretty good at working with databases, my undergrad research was applied math, and I probably spent the bulk of my undergraduate years (or at least the portion I spent doing schoolwork) learning Matlab, Python, and C on my own so I could do problems for the courses I had no place signing up for. All things considered, I think applied math is something I could do and would be happy doing. So I started reaching out to professors from various universities to discuss my options, their areas of expertise, new/impending research that might suit a new grad student, etc. I especially focused on the program that reached out to me two years ago. I haven't heard back from anywhere yet, but I'm really hoping I get into that MS applied math program. I'm already nervous and the deadline for it is April! I don't know how long I'm gonna last ... Anyway, that's my rant. Thanks for listening ...
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