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    MS Clinical Mental Health Counseling

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  1. Third year underway!

  2. Thanks for sharing guys! I can see that some of you had a profound set of circumstances that pushed you to take your educational goals higher. ashiepoo72 I like your perspective about not looking back and having regret. That's huge, I don't need anymore regrets in my life. Thanks agian.
  3. I'm not sure of your chances getting into your particular program only because I'm not that familiar. However don't be discouraged if you get a rejection keep going. Due to my circumstances I could only apply to three schools in my area and one of them I got a rejection from I was so upset but the rejection showed me that I really wanted it and I had to keep going. I'm 36 with three kids. I started my program almost two years ago after a 14 year hiatus. School for me now is very different than my undergrad days. I am loving it and have recently decided to pursue my PhD after I complete my Masters. You will find this community to be very helpful. Best of luck to you.
  4. Happy, the boy was a supportive person that helped you on your Ph.D journey.
  5. Yes your situation is a bit different. It's a completely different ball game since you are the sole financial supporter of your family. I am not employed outside of the home so my plan post my masters was to find part time work within my field. I'm just not sure that I want to finish one program and then spend another five to six years in another program, though that would be the ideal time to do it. Sigh.... decisions...
  6. Wow, this was me a few years ago. I had a 13 year hiatus before going back for my Masters. My husband is the sole provider for our family and he is established there so my only options were universities that were local. I used a one work reference and the rest were references from my volunteer work. I did not have any other options. My work reference was old but it was was okay. If it is meant to be it will be, you know what I mean. I studied for the GRE and everything. Yikes talk about freaking out! I started my program as part time because I wasn't sure I would be able to handle three kids, a husband, my house etc. I'm now attending full time and it has worked out. Since my return to school, I too am considering my Ph.D and the time it would take to complete it and what that would mean for my family. I would like to attend a different university however if I am not able too I wouldn't feel bad completing my Ph.D from the same university where I pursued my Masters. I would NOT go for a second bachelors degree. I would probably take one or two post bac classes to get my feet wet as a non degree seeking student then I would use those professors as references and apply for my Masters. Best of luck to you.
  7. Okay, I'm a non-traditional student that decided to complete my masters after a 13 year hiatus. Now that I'm in the program, I'm loving it. I love learning and the content keeps me coming back for more. After this semester I have three semesters left and then my masters is done. I'm seriously considering my Ph.D but I'm would like to hear from others to hear how they knew they weren't done at the Masters level. There's a lot to consider when you have a family and other obligations so taking on a Ph.D at this time would be a huge sacrifice for my family but I think I would be happy in the end.
  8. Enjoying my winter break!

  9. Good luck as you go through the agonizing waiting process.
  10. Finals.....Need I say more!

  11. Things are starting to get hectic around here. Papers, and finals all due at the same time and I just want to run away from it all. I'm looking forward to Christmas break.
  12. One week post surgery and I am struggling to keep up with my reading while on all the meds to fix my broken leg. Hanging in there though.
  13. I hear you! Although I did not know second year blues were to be expected. I believe I have a slight case. Yes I have no motivation to do anything. Perhaps a lot of that can be contributed to the fact I have a broken leg for the past nine months and everything is a chore. My first year I felt more on top of things. This semester I feel so disjointed. Weird, I can't really explain it. Looking forward to surgery to fix my leg this week. Then looking forward to the Christmas break.
  14. Took my first exam of the semester and I did okay. Not as great as I would have liked but okay. Feeling a little lonely this semester, don't know what that's about. Also the changes with the layout on gradcafe have made it more of a challenge to keep up with old friends. Hanging in there, researching in preparation to write two big papers this semester.
  15. This is great! Congratulations! Good job presenting at a conference. I attended my first professional conference in March, It was so overwhelming. I can only imagine the frustration you are experiencing at this time. I hope the situation with the concussion gets resolved. Best of luck to you as you continue your studies despite the concussion. This is fantastic! I'm sure the external validation feels great. Learning two different languages....yikes, seems daunting. At least you're aware of what your in for over the next couple of years and its seems like you are laying the foundation to ensure your future success. I'm sure the road ahead will be filled with challenges but, nothing comes easy. Best of luck to you.
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