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    2014 Fall
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  1. So curious as to where you will do your MFA. The climax to this statement overwhelms me.
  2. i would contact columbia university. there should be someone that can help you there, i hope. i hope it all works out for you. it would be an amazing experience to study at columbia. i wish you the best of luck.
  3. Accepted into usc.... does anyone know so much about the program... i had actually heard better things before applying...
  4. SUNY Purchase. Good program, close to New York, a great entrance into the NYC art scene.
  5. yes i know someone who went from wait list to accepted. you may wait a long time but if you want to go there it is worth a shot.
  6. Thank you kafralal. Has anyone else heard from UCLA? I do remember the remarks from earlier.
  7. this evening i got an interview request from usc. the most unexpected email to have reached me thus far in this application process.
  8. Are you going to the CalArts interview? And yes, ha we did. I almost applied to Tyler and CalArts but I then thought against both. Funny world. Next year I will apply to Bard--strong program--I was just unsure of the low-res thing, plus, I know they are incredibly selective. Now that I have taken on a full-time work that I am proud to keep, the Bard situation is increasing in its appeal.
  9. Oh wait. So does it not mean that the selection has not been narrowed down for Hunter in the interview process--that literally every applicant receives an interview as part of their application?
  10. Bathtub, don't get down. This is a process. Honestly, we all need to remember this. The art world is full of rejections and this is just the start. The key is to keep on keeping on. I wanted to get into Yale sculpture so badly and did not get an interview. I will reapply next year unless UCLA/USC/Hunter pans out (to be honest, I foresee myself revisiting this experience next year). I was very austere in my selection: Yale, Columbia, Hunter, UCLA and USC. I look forward to a more confident portfolio application next year. Another opportunity to keep on working.
  11. Today my Columbia status went from 2014 Sculpture MFA to 2014 Sculpture. No phone call. Assuming the rumor does ring true. I did however, surprisingly, get an email to interview with Hunter for 'sculpture'. My first positive response since this process began.
  12. Lenticchie, congrats! I must say, however, that my Columbia MFA speculation remains--still in doubt. My slideroom says 2014 Sculpture MFA. I didn't hear anything. Are people starting to hear from Hunter?
  13. Hi Hi. In terms of my own experience, I would say that the course work is mainly independently directed and that the bond between students is the core element of the school. If you are looking for a lot of engagement, while I can't speak for the program in specific that you are applying to, I would suggest looking elsewhere than Glasgow. I hope this was somewhat helpful. I cannot stress enough the importance of maintaining a practice post-degree in the location you choose to study. This will be a problem from international students, as was my experience.
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