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Posts posted by Glasperlenspieler

  1. This is much better! That is because it is worlds different. It shows you know some of the ways things are, that you've bothered to do your own research, and that you have specific questions that need to be addressed. This should have been your original post!


    Fair enough. Sorry about my vague initial post. In hindsight, that was not the best approach. Thanks for getting me to clarify myself.

  2. Ok, this is going to sound very harsh but: If you can't figure this out on your own, grad school isn't for you.


    That seems a little unfair.  Certainly I wasn't intending to use this as my only means of research on schools (that would be silly).  I have already identified a number of programs/people I would be interested in working with in my area (Peter Gordon at Harvard, Warren Breckman at Penn, Martin Jay at UCB, Alan Megill at UVA, Samuel Moyn at Columbia, etc.)  But it's a little scary that many of these places have only one person in my area of interest, since you never know what can happen with faculty movement, especially since some of them are nearing retirement age.  Also, since I'm coming from a BA in philosophy, I know less about how things stand in history, so I was looking to see if I could maybe learn a thing or two from people who may be more informed about the topic than I am.  This was not meant to be in replacement of actually doing my own research, but in addition to it, since there may very well be programs that I haven't heard of that do have strengths in this area, especially since most of the programs I have identified are very, very competitive.  Additionally, intellectual history is kind of an odd field even within history and is not discussed much in these boards, so I thought it couldn't hurt to bring it up.  Sorry if that was a mistake.

  3. But surely it's slightly higher (though not much) since they admit more than they hope to enroll? 


    Not necessarily.  It would seem that most schools admit only as many people as they hope to enroll, and then move to the waitlist if any of the admits decline. (Someone please correct me here if I'm wrong.)

  4. What do you think are the best places to study European Intellectual History?  Harvard seems like an obvious choice, but what are other good ones?  (I'm particularly interested in 18th-20th Century, primarily and German and French, but I'm open to opening up the conversation more broadly.)

  5. Also claiming a UCR wait list. Anyone know more details? 


    I emailed Mark Wrathall back.  He said that its an unranked wait list, and they try to keep things balanced out in term of interests, so if a spot opens up for someone with your interests, then you get admitted.


    So what are the AOI's of the people on the wait-list or who have been accepted?


    I'm kind of broad with German philosophy, ethics, phil religion, and aesthetics.

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