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Posts posted by Glasperlenspieler

  1. 1 hour ago, gyeum said:

    How would you suggest I contact them? A call? Should I ask if the results will be submitted soon? Or if I specifically have been admitted?

    Good question. I'm not really sure what the best approach is. You could either ask when results will be released and if they say they've all been released, then ask about yours. Or you could just saw that you heard rejections had gone out but you hadn't heard anything and wanted to inquire about your status. I feel like either of those are reasonable. (You'll often hear on the boards that you shouldn't inquire about results until later, but I think given that rejections have gone out, it's fair to ask. I've seen stories of people's email getting lost somehow.) Also, have you checked your online application? It could be that you received a result there and the email just didn't go through.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Yanaka said:

    Maybe not contact them necessarily, and I saw somewhere ask if Cornell sends out rejections before admissions? You should check the results board.

    I truly think that if he still don't hear anything after March 1, that means we should give up.

    That would be highly unusual to send out rejections before acceptances, and it would appear that Cornell has not done this the past few years at least. I know that no acceptances have shown up on the results board, but I assume that's just because it's a small cohort (as most comp lit programs are). So since rejections are out, I would assume all decisions have made. That's why I think it's fair to contact the department and/or graduate admissions. But I'm just trying to make inferences based on the data we have, so who knows!

  3. Two thoughts:


    1. Given that both are strong programs that would be a good fit for your research interests, I don't think it's unreasonable to pick the NYC option to stay with your partner. If there was a large difference in fit/ranking then I could see arguments against doing this, but it seems to me like a very valid tie-breaker.

    2. Have you visited these programs? On paper it sounds like both are good options. But you may find that you simply click with one program/advisor and not with the other. This is probably something that can only be determined by visiting (although that's not even 100% conclusive).

    So, I'd say visit both and go with your gut. If it's still a wash at that point, go for NYC for personal reasons.

  4. 15 minutes ago, goss said:

    I'm hoping Brown sends out a second wave of acceptances today so you can add another to the acceptance column.

    Haha thanks! I'd certainly be OK with that result! But honestly, now that I have a few great offers, I really just want a definitive answer from the rest of the programs so that I can get down to making a decision. 

  5. 12 hours ago, rheya19 said:

    Teach ESL abroad? Take a job not related to your field and have a chance to rest your brain from it and look at the world in a different light? 


    13 hours ago, loganondorf said:

    Last year I applied to eight schools and struck out completely. It was definitely a major setback, but I have to say, the extra year it afforded me was an incredible year for developing my scholarship and shaping & reshaping my research interests. I wouldn't be where I am today without that year, and (while I was fortunate enough to have a teaching job I could continue for another year), I used the year to read dozens of new academic texts and isolate new, competitive, and interesting (to me) areas of research. All of this is to say that when I got shut out, my way forward was to find and read six books of theories I didn't yet understand. It's painful, but a great way to continue forward as a scholar and build on how great I'm sure you already are.

    From personal experience both of these pieces of advice are spot on.


  6. 30 minutes ago, jkm871 said:

    It's Bergman, right? Is it from the Seventh Seal?

    It is Bergman, but the still is actually from the Virgin Spring (not my favorite Bergman, but one of my favorite images in Bergman).

  7. 23 minutes ago, jkm871 said:
    2 hours ago, Glasperlenspieler said:

    Completely unrelated to your post, but I love your profile picture.

    Thanks! I wish I could take credit for it, but it's a still from Tarkovsky's Stalker.

    That's why I like it! Tarkovsky is one of my two favorite directors. You can probably guess the other from my profile picture.

  8. 8 hours ago, jkm871 said:

    Anyone else a fan of The Partially Examined Life? I've been listening to it a lot recently. Because I work full-time right now, it's a nice way to fit in some philosophy while I'm driving to work or walking around during my lunch break. Or I'll listen to my other favorite, Entitled Opinions, while I'm falling asleep. It's weirdly relaxing.

    Completely unrelated to your post, but I love your profile picture.

  9. 55 minutes ago, Wyatt's Terps said:

    If I lived in Bellingham, every waking second would be spent in Henderson Books! One of my favorite places on earth, and that's not hyperbole...


    18 minutes ago, Kilos said:

    That's hilarious--same here! Henderson and Powell's (in Portland) are my favorite bookstores. I miss the PNW. :(

    Edit: Elliott Bay and Mercer Street in Seattle are nice too! 

    Now you all are making me feel homesick.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Turretin said:

    inorite? At least one school is predicted each day this week for me, having heard nothing yesterday or today...

    Yep. And I'm really weirded out by the 1 Chicago and 2 Brown acceptances. Not sure whether people just aren't posting on GradCafe, or if there's still news to come.

  11. 25 minutes ago, kentaro said:

    It's an offer. I was not expecting an offer this early and I thought I might receive my first result, i.e. a rejection from UCB, this week...

    If you don't mind me asking, were you awarded the presidential fellowship? It looks like last year the person who received it was alerted 10 days earlier than the rest of the acceptances. 

    Trying to determine if the lack of an email in my inbox means anything......

  12. Having worked in a university writing center for a number of year I can't recommend their services enough. Especially if you are unsure how to tackle the problem, I don't think anything beats meeting with someone in person on a regular basis. My writing center allowed students to set up regular appointments with the same person, which sounds like it would be ideal in your case. So I would strongly encourage you to inquire about this possibility. You mention that it is difficult to set up a meeting. Have you tried going there in person? You can also try sending an email describing your situation and ask whether regular meetings are a possibility. Like anything, writing centers can definitely vary in how well organized they are and how they operate, but once you get in the system, people start to know you there, etc., I really think they are an invaluable resource.

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