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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Fulbright ETA South Korea

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  1. I feel so bad for everyone that still hasn't heard. It must be exhausting to wait this long.
  2. Also, I just heard that a girl in my school just got bumped up to P for a Taiwan ETA. Alternates, there is still hope!
  3. The email was from the person in charge of the region. Maybe it is a regional thing?
  4. Congratulations! OMG!!! Your project sounds so incredibly cool (so does your current job actually)!!! That sound really amazing. Where are you going?
  5. Just turned in my final undergrad final. Suddenly it hit me that college really is coming to an end.

    1. faerare


      I just finished my last undergrad final today too. I feel lost without something to do!

  6. Wow! I just submitted my medical history form less than twenty-four hours ago and just received an email saying that my medical clearance has already been issued. Cool! Is that really it?
  7. The email said it should be within a month of receiving it.
  8. Olioliwoo, I love your spirit and optimism. I'm really rooting for you. Even if the P doesn't become and A this year, I know you'll get your project funded--it is too important not to happen. You are destined for great things.
  9. CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to see you at the marble mansion (nickname of the university we go to for orientation)... Isn't it pretty?!
  10. Romem, I know it sucks to wait, but just hang in there a bit longer. There is a guy in my school who is also waiting to hear back from Argentina and he is pretty anxious at this point. Just remember that everyday that passes means you are one day closer to finding out. If nothing else this is a good exercise in learning patience--which one can never have too much of. Te deseo buena suerte. On another note, on Wednesday my school's president had a fellowship luncheon and the director of fellowship spoke about how unique this year had been for Fulbright. She said that in a conference there had been over the summer they had announced that they expected to have the vast majority of notification out by April 15, so your probably right about the last point.
  11. Hi exploretheworld, WELCOME! We always love to have positive people join the virtual club. Where did you apply? Research? ETA? Something else? GE
  12. Congratulations! Let's hope for more alternates turned Accepted!
  13. I received the ETA without knowing any Korean, but the Korea program also included a six-week intensive language and culture study course. So...'tis probably a bit different than several other countries.
  14. It was a little bit cheesy, but I LOVE it! Your cheesy is all kinds of adorable!
  15. I'm biased toward going for the Fulbright, but I think it is really smart to for Tantavi to think it over. I will say that there is the potential benefit that you find something you love while in Bulgaria that inspires great long-term goals or that it at least serves as a nice resume booster becuase it is both a prestigious award and proof you can adapt (an important skill in a globalized world).
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