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Everything posted by jjb919

  1. If I may ask, who called you? How much information did s/he give? Anything about funding?
  2. Congrats! I really hope I can join you!
  3. Anyone want to claim the Georgetown acceptance? I am in a meeting and not near my phone, I am so nervous I'm trembling.
  4. Just got my rejection letter from Pitt. Not surprising at all, but still a bit sad. Email to check the website, generic but polite email from the director of admissions.
  5. Thanks, Nat! Boo, Georgetown!
  6. I'm in the same boat. No kid (yet), but the whole process is being negotiated through the lens of going to the best ranked/fit school that is in an acceptable location for her. Fordham is a huge draw (should I be accepted off the wait list) because we wouldn't have to move; but Georgetown is a more ideal fit for me I think, and although not ideal for my wife she'd be willing to move. If I'm lucky enough to get to choose between the two, I'm not sure which way I'll go. But I'm getting ahead of myself, I have to get in first!
  7. That's a good vent. Cold showers are the worst.
  8. Hey @Nat_Foot, I'd be interested to know what Georgetown's timeline is. I know the prediction is for them to release this week (probably Friday), but it would be nice to get some measure of confidence on that, however vague. Thanks for all your hard work!
  9. I admit I am very very jealous. I would have loved to apply to Oregon--my interests and writing sample are very much in line with Mark Johnson's work--but that is the one program my wife put her foot down on. I can't blame her, as gorgeous as Eugene is there isn't much economic opportunity there outside of the university. Although she works in higher ed admin, she knows a few people who have worked there and said that jobs at the university are hard to come by and don't pay well (even accounting for the lower cost of living in Eugene).
  10. Way to go! The interview must have gone well, then!
  11. Just got a waitlist notification from Fordham! Generic email to check the website. The letter in the portal included "I am writing to inform you that although the department is unable to offer you admission to the PhD in Philosophy at this time, you are a finalist on a select wait list for admission." I was sure I was rejected, this is so exciting!
  12. The results system only gives you the option to enter your undergraduate GPA. So those applicants who have an MA often put in their graduate school GPA and make the distinction that the GPA listed in their stats is their grad and not undergrad GPA.
  13. Anyone want to claim the Pitt waitlist? I don't think I'll get an email, but still it's nice to hope.
  14. I don't know how much demand there is for this, but I would really like to hear from the Committee on Social Thought at Chicago. I had emailed and was told by their student assistant that they would be notifying people by the end of last week, but I have heard nothing and seen nothing on the results page (I'm fairly confident that sole rejection on the results page is a mistake). Thanks!
  15. It has to be a troll, right? I lost it at "Expected."
  16. Someone posted a rejection from Boulder saying they sent an email query and were told that official rejections will be sent shortly. I still haven't received anything. I know I'm rejected, I just want my email confirming it already. Same goes for Fordham. So very frustrating.
  17. Yeah I saw that too, but with only one rejection, no acceptances, and occurring around the same time that a lot of people were being rejected from the PhD program with referral to the MAPH program, I am beginning to wonder if that result was entered wrong. Could it have been meant for the PhD in Philosophy?
  18. Has anyone who applied to the Committee on Social Thought at Chicago heard anything yet? I was under the assumption that they'd be starting to notify today.
  19. How so? Who did you interview with? I bet you shined.
  20. Thanks for the info! I'm not sure whether it's refreshing that the email was upfront and honest about your chances, or distressing in that the clear implication is that you might as well have been rejected.
  21. A waitlist has been posted for Boulder on the results page. Anyone want to claim it? My chances are getting slimmer.
  22. Go into Account Settings. Signature is one of the tabs and you can create one there.
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