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    International Development

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  1. Thanks for doing this! See you there ❤️
  2. This is sounding more positive than yesterday, which is great news! I could also potentially be interested. I'm securely sitting on the fence between being an academic and a practitioner and I'd really like to get down now. It turns out that fences are not comfortable places to sit.
  3. Reading all of your posts is making me feel a bit better but I'm also just still so confused as to how Committee 5's cut off went from 3.89 one year to 5.04 the next year and also how it's possible that 89 applicants scored between 5.04 and 4.07 (my score). My understanding was that there was supposed to be an even spread of results but it can't be so. Congratulations again to those who got it anyway. To everyone, just remember that everybody here has several first-authored publications, scholarships and probably defended their thesis on schedule, so you're among peers. You didn't fail, other people succeeded. @milaraI partly wrote this for you. This isn't a you problem, it's a systemic one and I'm so sorry you're going through this. Please don't lose faith in yourself and report the abuse if you can.
  4. My reading of this is that not only did they get more applications than last year but they also got better applications than last year. The changes in my scores do seem to suggest that my application was better overall, or at least that this committee thought so (I may have been disadvantaged by the pandemic because I do research internationally as well).
  5. I'm in committee five. Last year there were 93 applicants, this year 130, so I'm sure that was a factor. But I would add that last year the score of the last award offered was 3.93 and this year it's 5.06 so obviously something has changed.
  6. Thanks for the support. This was my second year applying. My score was significantly higher than last year, but my rank was significantly lower so I don't really know what to do with all of this. If I had received this score last year, I would be into the second year of funding and now I'm left with nothing.
  7. Just letting everyone know that my results are in my file although I haven't received an e-mail yet. I didn't get it. Good luck to everyone else.
  8. Probably not reverse alphabetical order then, since yours seemed to be soon after mine. I'm Committee 5.
  9. Just to fuel everyone's speculation. My folder was created at 8:37 and briefly I could see someone else's folder in my folder (it was removed). They do have to create like 600 accounts and I assume there must be some logic to how they're doing it. It could be going in reverse-alphabetical order based on my last-name and the last name of the other file I briefly saw. (I'm not at the very end of the alphabet though, but maybe they got started early)
  10. Extranet.support@nserc-crsng.gc.ca
  11. My Username e-mail came immediately before my password e-mail, they are in the same message chain (I'm using a gmail account). Hope that helps. When I log in I see a message saying that my results will be loaded soon. I also seem to have some sort of a file folder that it won't let me access.
  12. Yup and probably?
  13. I think the fact that we're here, and that we were able to get the external support required for our applications is positive in itself. I pulled my application together between September 1st and the deadline so it's a miracle I wasn't ranked last (and that I was able to submit at all) I'm waiting on a SSHRC postdoc application and the good news is that the research proposal was the strongest scoring section, and it's the part that is identical between the two proposals. I'll think positive thoughts for both of us!
  14. I'm really sorry I really was rooting for you.
  15. Me neither, but I'm taking solace in the fact that there were significantly more applicants than last year and I was eligible on all criteria.
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