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    2016 Fall

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  1. There seems to be a ton of inconsistencies in he relaying of info this year so I am extremely confused as well! I would email Janet if I was you!
  2. Congratulations !! That is amazing! Has anyone else heard from Western about the wait list?
  3. Did you just contact Janet recently? When I spoke to Janet two weeks ago about this she said: "We got almost a full class from first round offers this year so we have gone to the waitlist already and as of right now have a full class. The waitlist will stay open all summer in case anyone changes their mind and cancels." I am just trying to figure out what is actually going on! I am so confused right now lol
  4. You could be totally right, I just find it odd that there's been so many people on here saying they declined, and I wouldn't think that they would admit more than a cohort's worth of acceptances in the event more people accepted than there is places, but who knows! In any case, I emailed Janet on Monday and am still waiting to hear back! If I do hear from her I will let everyone know, if any of you hear back from her please let me know!
  5. Well that gives me a little more hope! Thanks!
  6. Okay well now I'm confused. There's been at least ten people on here that said they declined their acceptance to Western? Did they admit more then 37 people first round?
  7. Has anyone heard anything regarding waitlist status?
  8. Anyone else on the wait-list anxiously awaiting? I really wish they could tell us more than just "top half".... I am having such a hard time focusing on finals right now !
  9. I received a response email today stating that there are around 50 people on the waiting list at Western this year!
  10. Received a reply from Janet at Western, I am in the top half of the waitlist... Does anyone know the number of spots on the waitlist this year? I think I read on another forum that in previous years it was around 60? For those of you who got in, Congratulations! For those of us on the waitlist, we still have a chance let's continue to be positive and look at the glass half full!
  11. I was also waitlisted at western.... any idea of what happens now? Do I contact Janet to determine what section of the waitlist I am on?
  12. Wow! That is amazing, I honestly thought the CDA program would be pointless if I knew I wanted to get into SLP but now that definitely makes it worth it! I was accepted to the CDA program at Lambton, I applied on a whim and it was the closest program to where I'm form. I have heard really good things about the Georgian program though! Would you mind sharing the schools that you applied to in the states that accepted the CDA program? If you're not comfortable sharing on here, feel free to personal message me instead! Thanks again!
  13. Would you be able to elaborate on your statement that other provinces and the states consider your grades from the CDA program? Were they calculated into your admissions average or were they just "looked over" at some point? I was accepted to a CDA program and am trying to determine whether it is worth it for me at this time or not! Thanks!
  14. Thank you so much for the reply! Wow, that is great that you actually get a second degree. Did you enjoy the degree? I was hoping to complete it full time for the three semesters, did you find the courses manageable?
  15. Hello, I am just looking into alternative options in the event that I am not accepted to SLP this year and have came upon the Utah State university 2nd Bachelors degree program. I am looking for advice from non-US students as to whether it is even possible to enroll in this course, and if it is did you find that tuition was outrageous? The out-of-state tuition seemed pretty reasonable compared to other schools in the US so I was hoping that this may also be the case for international students (wishful thinking!). Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Also, I am not familiar with the term of "2nd bachelors" does this mean we actually get another Bachelors degree or is it more of a certificate of completion? Thanks!
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