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About zadigblue

  • Birthday 12/02/1991

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  • Location
    Berlin, Germany
  • Application Season
    Already Attending
  • Program
    MPP (Hertie)

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  1. I just got my letter too! Received an email about an hour ago that there were documents waiting for me in the portal, and it was the letter of award plus supplementary scholarship information.
  2. I applied through DAAD NY, although I'm currently resident in Germany.
  3. IT SAYS FUNDING!!! Third time really was the charm... I guess it pays to be persistent.
  4. Just checked the portal this morning and my status has gone from "Selection made" to blank!
  5. jdcakess, that sounds like a very promising sign! Maybe the DAAD makes all these arrangements in advance, and the training centre didn't realise you hadn't actually received the notification yet. Either way, fingers crossed that it's as positive as it looks! My status is still "selection made" (as of exactly one week today), but I did notice something strange recently about my application in the portal. Since I'm applying for the second year of my Masters and it doesn't quite last a full year, I entered a shorter funding period in my application, with an end date in July 2018. Up until last week, the requesting funding end date was still July 2018 (I'm 100% sure of this), but sometime within the last week it was changed to September 2018. My last two applications (both rejected) still show my original requested end dates. At this point I'm just going a bit crazy trying to read meaning in little details like that. Hopefully they let us know soon so at least this painful period of anticipation can come to an end, either way.
  6. Applied for the Grad Study Scholarship for my master's degree (actually my second year, but I didn't get it the first year) - my status just changed today from "application submitted" to "selection made". Last year it just went straight to "application rejected". Dare I hope that I actually managed it this time?!
  7. In my case, I first saw my status change from "Application submitted" to "Application rejected", and then the next day I received an email saying that there was a message for me on the DAAD Portal. When I clicked on the line for my 2016/17 application, there was a little pdf attachment from the DAAD that contained my rejection letter. Yeah, but a lot of people take extra days off either before or after the Easter weekend, so things will be moving more slowly than usual. I work at a public research institute in Germany and the office is turning into a bit of a ghost town. On the other hand, they could be making a push to get out the notifications before Easter. Either way I hope the rest of you get your news soon!
  8. They didn't tell me the exact reason, although they did give me some insight into their process. The letter said that they had 400+ applicants for about 70 spots and that my application received a score of X out of 10, just marginally missing the scholarship. I don't know if everyone will receive such a letter, but I was actually glad to get it, since last year's rejection felt so sudden and cold. It's a shame to miss out on it for the second year in a row, but I actually have a job offer in Germany that I can accept now and will still be within the "less than 15 months in Germany" restriction for next year, so I actually feel okay about it.
  9. So, I saw my status change to "Application Rejected" yesterday and got the official notification today as a message in the DAAD portal, rather than an email from DAAD New York like last year. This time they actually told me how many points I had achieved and that I "just marginally" missed being awarded the scholarship. So, that's too bad, but I'm actually happy to have received a more "personal" rejection letter this time.
  10. I emailed them last Thursday about the Graduate Study Scholarship and they said they didn't know the date that results would be communicated since Bonn still needs to sign off on it. They suggested emailing back in "a week or so". Fingers crossed that we hear back this week... I have a job offer that I need to make a decision on very soon so the stress is really building. :/
  11. Hi all, I'm also planning to apply for DAAD this year (graduate study scholarship). Unfortunately I didn't get it last year, but here's hoping this round is better. I've already started my Masters in Germany though and am applying to fund my second year - not sure if that's better or worse for my application standing. At least my German language certificate is looking a lot better, haha...
  12. Finally locked down my plans this morning and scored two part-time research assistantships at my undergrad university for the summer!
  13. Hey all, just wanted to update and say that I officially accepted my offer this morning to start the MPP at Hertie! Anyone else made their decision yet?
  14. zadigblue


    Didn't get it - but I suspected that anyway, with my status on the portal a few weeks ago. The email specifically cited "a large increase in the number of applications this year"... I was concerned that the odds might be worse this year after all the press about "free" university in Germany so that's unsurprising. Still, very frustrating. :/
  15. zadigblue


    And to think, back when our application statuses changed on the portal I assumed we would hear back within a few days... how naive. I haven't looked back at the past DAAD threads in a while but I feel like they'd usually heard back by this time.
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