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Everything posted by jujubea

  1. Hey hnotis! I'm applying to a couple Colorado schools also! Also must have a TA-ship, and also geographically bound to the region, but not the state. I don't know if you know but UNM has some kind of tuition agreement (or so I've heard) which allows Colorado residents to get in-state tuition rates. You might consider looking into it. My focus will likely be intercultural or interorganizational communication - though I'm checking out the Discourse & Society options as well. And thanks JLRC about the heads-up on that. I had read about it, but wasn't thinking of it in terms of what that might imply to my individual grad program. Just in time - I have a visit up there in a few weeks, so I'll be sure to ask a bit about that. If I learn anything helpful, I'll come back to share.
  2. No way! I had a professor email me back two weeks later - profusely apologizing for how long it took her to get back to me. She simply had a busy week, but was genuinely excited to communicate, and now I'm going to the campus for a visit! I've had everything from within a few minutes, to a few weeks later.
  3. Most of the GRE requirements scores I've seen simply say, combined score at least 300, sometimes 302.
  4. UC San Diego has a renowned international program, and I know they have some "Pacific" emphases, which possibly includes the countries in South Asia you're considering. For that matter, if memory serves me correctly, UCLA might, too. UC Santa Barbara also has some impressive international programs, and faculty in several departments have South Asia specialties, so they might be worth checking out, too. In general, UCSB seems to not get much fame despite its high ranking on several different majors' lists. UCSB is also great if you're looking to do something interdisciplinary. Based on a visit there last year (to a different department mind you), their faculty really value not only in theory but actual practice, interdisciplinary work. You mentioned international - I know it's a bit "exciting" there right now, but Hong Kong has some really great schools, as does Singapore. I want to say National University in Singapore is the name of it? I used to work in that region, and many well-off (professionally) folks came from Singapore's grad programs. Bonus there is they speak English and Mandarin as national languages. Hong Kong is Cantonese and British English (you probably already know these things being interested in South Asia..sorry!) Hope that helps some. Good luck!
  5. Don't worry. It also seems to me like there are a lot of high scores on this website, and I think victorydance makes some really great points, especially about self-reporting. I try to look at it as a source of inspiration (come on I know it soudns cheesy, but really!) and to take heart in much of the encouragement people provide to one another here, regardless of your GRE scores. I have no expertise in your field, but I would say, as an outsider, considering that your field involves an apparent level of direct public service, your volunteer work seems like it could potentially make a significant difference. In any case, you must feel good about all you've given to those communities. That makes a powerful statement by itself. Keep doing what you love and what inspires and moves you. My belief is the rest will follow suit. And! Since you can, and you care, you ought to go ahead and retake the GRE after some good studying. You mentioned you didn't like the testing center you took it at last time, perhaps you can retake it at a different center, have you looked?
  6. So, my practice test scores have been getting marginally lower over the three months I've been studying for the GRE, and it's just bumming me out endlessly. I almost wanted to give up during the last quant section during the last practice test. I'm retaking the actual test at the end of this week. What would the smart folks on here recommend? (You know who you are! I see your beautiful upper 160's scores!) Should I do anymore practice tests with 5 days to go before the real one? Or just keep my head in the books? I have a real problem with stamina I've noticed, too - I get really tired after about the third section, and it gets noticeably harder to focus. Is it worth working on my stamina in these past five days by taking more practice tests? I'm worried I risk burning out my brain if I take any more, or take too many. Otherwise, I can keep doing practice questions - I have a whole slew of them via Kaplan's premier software and books. What would any of you recommend?
  7. Oh man. I am having the same problem! It is so frustrating! I put three months of study in, and my practice test scores are now lower than both my GRE scores from five years ago, and lower than my initial practice test during this round of studying. From what I have read on here, practice scores can be pretty different than what one actually scores. Also, which program are you using to take your practice tests? Or are you using books? I noticed my practice test scores were higher in the paper book practice tests than in the Kaplan test prep stuff I'm using on the computer now. It looks like you already took it a couple days ago though - how did it go????!
  8. @ geographyrocks: it was good to hear from someone else who has a geographic limitation.. it's just something I haven't seen a lot of. Looks like I'm limited to a similar area that you were, as all my schools are NM, CA, and CO. Not a bad place to be limited to! I'm super lucky too because some of the best programs in the whole country for my major are in these states. @ Cacao: I am no expert, but I wouldn't freak out too much about narrowing your list down. Granted, it would feel pretty crappy to be rejected by the only two schools you settled on. I agree with an earlier poster that research interests and faculty fit should be the first thing you use to find schools (or in my case, the second thing after location). I started with as big a net I could, and after a year, my list is now down to 4 schools, NONE of which are even remotely "safety" schools. I genuinely, really, truly want to go to each of them, because the research going on at each place looks both broad enough to expand my horizons, and specific enough to already match my existing interests. My next step is going to actually visit the campuses and meet a few of the key faculty I'm interested in working with. Are you able to do that at all? Initially I was worried about the list being down to four, but I have become comfortable with it - but being comfortable with that smallish number includes knowing that my chances of getting accepted and getting a TA-ship (a requirement for me) become limited, too.
  9. Wow, good for you! I'm getting really frustrated as my scores are WORSENing or stagnating despite serious studying. Actual GRE in 2009: 161 V / 152 Q AWA 4.5 (5 years later, after one month of study) 1st Kaplan MST: 160 V / 154 Q (With two more months of study) 2nd Kaplan MST: 160 V / 151 Q What the heck! And I know my math is better than it was in 2009.
  10. Our programs are not similar, but I have seen a lot of "combined 300" minimum requirements. From what I've read on here, a 5.0 AWA score will likely help you out a bit, too. You're pretty brave. I was in a bad situation for when my GRE was scheduled (I had a three-week long intensive evening activity which required a lot of unrelated memorization, and I would have been taking the GRE near the end of that whole ordeal... I was exhausted, and I ultimately decided to reschedule for 50 bucks. New date is for next Friday, and it was definitely the best decision for me). Good luck to you! How's the rest of your package?
  11. What kind of program do you want to go into? Sciences? Humanities? Med? That will make a big difference as to how to interpret your scores. I'm surprised at the people who say no studying is required -- perhaps if you're fresh out of high school, or a math-heavy undergrad program, yes. I'd hazard to guess that most of the rest of us need to study...
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