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Everything posted by Envengr

  1. UCI is a great place for chemistry majors I heard! Way to go! I noticed that I was being dumb by asking if Irvine is a good school... In fact, it's my first choice. But I received admission offers from several other schools too, and that kinda makes me vacillate among them... I'm certainly not a party person, you're absolutely right on that account. But I do love the fact that there're beaches nearby Irvine! Just like what you've pointed out- I really like the idea of bringing my car down with me, but maintaining all the expenses associated with it (car insurance and such) without using it much is not a wise idea either... I'm getting my bachelor degree in Civil Engineering too this May. Think I've spent too much time in the South I guess, and yet I'm moving to the southern part of the West. hah... Boston seems to be a good place to live. I actually got admitted into UMass- Amherst too, which is about 90 minutes to Boston. MA is a perfect place for scholars, but CA's location is too tempting!
  2. I'm not sure if it's something to do with the URL of the status check website. It should be: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/admissions/status_check.WBX You should be able to enter your logon info at least. However, sometimes when I entered my logon details, I was redirected to a broken link page, with the URL: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/admissions/status_check.WBX. Notice the period at the end of the URL. If you delete it and refresh the page (Press F5), your application status should show up. I hope this solves your problem...
  3. I wanted to think like that too, but I think it's best that i do some research on the typical cost of maintaining a car here (I'm really sick of meeting tight financial obligations!). Most places in CA don't have the so-called public transportation I think, that's what make it so "special". I have to admit that Irvine's location is one of the most attractive reasons for me to go there, but it's meaningless if I can't utilize it just like what you said. At the same time, I also wonder if doing PhD-level works would allow me to travel around that often. Coz if not, I would just be paying all the car expense (insurance and such) without using it... I wish you all the best on your visitation day! I just received the invitation two days ago, and am unable to make it (due to the crazy expensive airfare 500+)... I believe you will get the fundings, since you're admitted into a PhD program and most PhD students get fundings! Good luck!
  4. Haha. This is so funny! I'm not anywhere near Turkish, but from Chinese descent. Are you from around California? I don't think it's a good idea to live off-campus during my first year too. Think i should familiarize myself with the place first... Tutoring local rich kids sounds like the way to go! Did you happen to tutor some? I prefer to be involved in research works if it's possible, even though it might not be that well-paid... Do you mind if i ask about you major? How do you like it @ UCI?
  5. All of these are very helpful information! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it a lot. If you don't mind, could you please answer some of my questions? : I read about the guarantee graduate housing for newly-admitted PhD students (I'm one of them) and happened to found some very attractive rates for rooms at Verano Place. It would be really wonderful if I can reserve one of these rooms as they are all relatively cheaper than floor plans in other apartments. Is it advisable for me to apply for the guarantee housing ASAP? Does the space fills up real fast? I learn from Verano Place's website that they will be starting to receive application for the FALL 2010 starting from March 1st... On the other hand, do you think it's hard for you to survive if you just have 15k for yourself per year (from stipends for 9 months)? I am thinking to keep my car, but maybe it might just be too much considering the road tax, plate registration, and insurance i have to maintain (very significant change as I am from a small college town). Thank you so much for your help. I think i just have too much questions that i have in my head that I can't recall them all at once! I might just have to visit the campus just so i can feel a feel about how the life is there at Irvine. Thanks again!
  6. Hi all, Did anyone get admission offers from UCI? If so, is anyone going to accept the offer? What kind of housing options are you going to look for? I am currently deciding on if I should accept the offer, which comes with full fundings plus a minimum guaranteed stipend. What has been bugging me a lot is the living expenses associated with it, as I have no clear idea of how horrible it could get. While some of my friends have been encouraging me to accept the offer, many have been condemning the idea- stating that there's no way I could live a life with the current stipend I am being offered. I certainly would love to accept the offer rightaway, but found that rashing to make a decision ended up with more cons than pros. Does anyone who has an insight to life @ UCI mind sharing his/her experience here? Something like a rough estimate of monthly expense there, with or without car, miscellanous spendings, and etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
  7. Totally agree. Worrying about meeting financial obligations could plagued your level of focus a lot. that is, if you yourself are your only financial support.
  8. Applied for PhD, admitted into M.S. program with partial fundings though. Result available on web since Feb15.
  9. Got admitted into the M.S. program with partial fundings. Still left with about sixty percent of the thirty-five grands tuition to be covered by myself. Declined the offer therefore. Should have at least visited the place before declining it.
  10. Isn't it because English program has the largest applicant pools? I wonder what's the criteria they use to admit people... Do you guys have any specific research objectives you guys hope to achieve by doing your PhD? What research do English major PhD candidates do? Sorry, I think I'm way too out of topic. I guess I'm just curious.
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