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    2015 Fall
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    Masters of Social Work

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  1. Hello everyone, I also got my rejection letter from Laurier yesterday. I figured this would happen since my academics were more of my strength, and being a new grad, experience was lacking for what they are looking for. Congratulations to everyone who has heard good news recently!!! I just wanted to remind everyone of the U of T 2 year M.S.W. facebook group. I am getting new requests everyday so it looks like many have found it, but to all who have recently been accepted, please join us!!! U OF T- FACTOR INWENTASH M.S.W (2-YEAR) CLASS OF 2017 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1418122681835473/ Have a wonderful week everyone!
  2. Hello everyone, First off, congratulations to everyone who has heard from Laurier today! It is nice to see they are getting back to applicants before mid april! Also, for anyone who did not see the link before but would like to join, I created a Facebook group named U OF T- FACTOR INWENTASH M.S.W (2-YEAR) CLASS OF 2017 Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1418122681835473/ Please join!
  3. I deleted the original one so you should be in the new one!!!
  4. Ok I recreated the group for U of T 2 year 2017! Try this one https://www.facebook.com/groups/1418122681835473/
  5. Ok I changed settings to open group but I am not sure how to change it from requiring utor email! Does anyone know how?
  6. I don't think you would need a U of T email for Facebook would you? Did you try joining and it said that?
  7. Hello everyone, In the spirit of another round of acceptances to U of T (also congrats to those who got offered admission elsewhere!!!), I decided to make a Facebook group for the two year program. The name of the group is U OF T FACTOR-INWENTASH M.S.W (2 YEAR) CLASS OF 2017 and I don't know if the link will work but here it is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1604726966434705/ I made the group for the 2 year program because advanced standing students will have 2016 as a graduating year, although everyone feel free to join! Let me know if you have any issues finding it! Thanks everyone and best wishes for everyone still waiting to hear on programs!
  8. Hi goodnews, I have no problem making a group if there is interest in it. I just don't want to make one if there is an existing. When I search facebook groups I see groups for class of 2014,15,16, but no 17 as of yet. Also, congratulations! I will be sending mine in tomorrow morning!
  9. I am just wondering if anyone has made a Facebook group for U Of T two year program or has interest in having a group? Perhaps it is a bit early, but I hope that everyone who has not yet heard gets good news this week! Good luck!!!
  10. Thanks. Just hoping for an easier way, haha.
  11. A question to anyone who has accepted their offer of admission to U of T: Did you sign and mail out your form to accept the offer or is it possible to scan and email to department? Also, do you know if it is possible to pay the deposit on ROSI instead of sending out a certified cheque/money order?
  12. @magfish I also just heard from Lakehead Orillia. Congratulations! I will be going to U of T, but I looked into the Lakehead program in pretty good detail and it looks fantastic! A great step towards msw if that is your end goal or attaining a bsw and being able to work as a social worker! People on here tend to speak highly of it too! Kudos to you. Also, good luck in hearing back from other schools!
  13. @purplegrey I submitted my application the morning of December 15th (yes I know, terrible). I received an offer last Friday. I don't think it would do anything as someone else on the forum said they only started reviewing in beginning of march. I hope everyone hears good news tomorrow! If not, I am thinking that if they truly are waiting to see how many people from last weeks offers decide to accept and we are just getting our instructions now then it might take another week before they are able to make a solid estimate. All the best! You all have unique qualities that make you excellent candidates and/or future social workers!
  14. My letter for 2 year U of T arrived in the mail today. It went from Toronto to Barrie and was dated March 13th. I have not yet read it but my dad opened it and I have 4 weeks (from March 13th) to respond and then until June for deposit. Good luck to all still waiting!
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