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Everything posted by ReinventOneself

  1. Finally got a response from U Penn EALC Ph. D. They claim they sent my rejection email on March 25th, which is not likely since I never received it. And to this day, the online application system has never been updated to reflect the result of my application. A very unprofessional operation in comparison to the other four schools to which I applied. I however will not be shedding any tears, though, since I got into my first choice.
  2. It doesn't appear that exact number is (publicly) available. And it appears to vary from year to year. But the following blog post should be helpful: http://hksadmissionblog.tumblr.com/post/112726954733/2015-reading-and-decision-process-post-7
  3. Did you end up putting in your deposit?
  4. I would do the same thing if I were in your shoes. Good luck to you. I also did not receive any aid, but will be choosing HKS regardless.
  5. I am able to log into the financial aid website and see my financial aid information. It appears to have been updated just minutes ago. I have not received any email (yet). CORRECTION: Financial aid email just received.
  6. I never heard back a single thing from anyone there, whatsoever. I sent an email and never got a response.
  7. I was not accepted. Makes my choice all the more easier. See you in Cambridge
  8. It would be great for those who are "Other" to leave a note and say where they will be attending...
  9. Absolutely Yale. Smaller class sizes, (probably) better job placement services.
  10.   I was accepted at SAIS and will almost certainly be declining, so hopefully you'll get my spot.
  11. I am in the favorable position of having my employer continue to pay my full salary while I study full-time, with me attending to only very minimal work responsibilities while earning my degree (about one hour per week). However, they will not pay my tuition. If possible, I recommend that you execute the necessary kung fu to produce a similar arrangement (...but unlike me, get them to foot the tuition bill as well).
  12. I have not heard back a thing from any of the fellowships for which I applied...
  13. Like you, I have the money and means, but due to work commitments and distance, will not be attending any of the new admit days for the schools I was admitted to. However, two of my schools (HKS and SAIS) will be having new admit receptions in my local area, so I will attend those. My biggest concern is whether or not there'll be free beer/wine available
  14. Wow. That's potentially two more weeks of waiting! Why must they torture us...
  15. Last year's decisions were released on March 19th...if it's the same this year, that should be this Thursday...
  16. Still waiting to hear from U Penn. Went for a Ph. D in EALC with a specialization in Japan...
  17. My two cents: Elliott has a little more reputation and prestige than SIS. Elliott is closer to downtown, whereas American is a little far from the action. American is more politically liberal. If there's a big difference in total cost, I'd say go for American. Network like crazy, distinguish yourself with good grades and get to know your professors and others who can 'hook you up' in the future, and you'll be just as fine as anyone out of Elliott. Graduating with no debt means you can apply for jobs that require being debt free, you could buy a house sooner, etc, if that's important to you.
  18. I concur with the aforementioned sentiments. It's unclear from the wording on the funding email if the fellowship is per semester, or one time... If someone calls or emails to find out, please do let us know.
  19. Just got an email as well, offering an $8,000 fellowship (apparently per semester).
  20. I got an email with the subject "Elliott School Admissions Decision Now Available". It arrived at 9:47 AM Eastern Time....
  21. Decisions are out. Got the email minutes ago.
  22. Older than everyone in this thread Lots of interesting work experience, including overseas, both private and non-profit, and completely fluent in a foreign language. I've just been accepted to the first two grad schools I've ever applied to. Humbled and happy.
  23. For those that were not admitted, there's an excellent blog post up today by Matt Clemons: Admission Decision Feedback http://hksadmissionblog.tumblr.com/post/113424470968/admission-decision-feedback
  24. Mysteriously, starting yesterday, the link on the application website to see one's acceptance/rejection letter for Early Notification disappeared. That tells me they're getting the Regular Applicant results ready to post imminently. However last year's results went out on Friday March 14th, so we may have to wait a couple more days...
  25. gradjm, I recommend reading by David C. King, who is involved in admissions at Kennedy. It will answer the questions you have about the impact of GRE scores one's application. That being said, my interpretation of Mr. King's comments would be that the MPP seems to be the program for which GRE scores might matter the most, and MC/MPA the least. Yet, unlike other schools, Kennedy does not use an absolute cut off for test scores, so your application will be evaluated carefully in its entirety. The only hard cutoff appears to be for TOEFL scores, which must be above 100 in order for one's application to be considered. All that's left for us now is to relax, find something else to occupy our minds (if possible), and wait until Thursday or Friday morning when That Email comes.
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