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Everything posted by ReinventOneself

  1. Agreed on all fronts. Last year's decisions went out via email on March 13th & 14th.
  2. The MC/MPA doesn't have a concentration like the MPP, but if it did, I'd choose the DPI concentration as it would best prepare me for my future role as King of the World. IGA would be a close second.
  3. I applied for the MPP, but after submitting my application was emailed by the admissions director and asked to consider switching to the Mid-Career MPA due to my extensive work experience, which I agreed to do. It turns out this probably worked out in my favor, since admissions rates for MC/MPA are apparently higher than for the MPP.
  4. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I hope somehow things might turn out well based on your GPA and test scores despite the fact that the interview didn't go as well as you thought. Sometimes life kicks us in the teeth. I hope another, even better option turns out for you if Bush doesn't.
  5. I stand corrected. I just received the same email the original poster mentioned.
  6. I applied to SAIS this year but received no such email. It is possible it's only sent to people who have made it to a certain point in the application process or who are going to be admitted (which I likely won't be - at least I didn't make the cut for early decision...)
  7. Mine just came in now! I got an email saying the decision came in, and the I checked the site, and it was there.
  8. Nothing for me, either. They've got less than 12 hours to make their promised Dec. 30th deadline, so let's see if it comes through today!
  9. Another couple of questions came to mind: 1) From the standpoint of future employers, will "Mid-Career Master in Public Administration" look worse than "Master of Public Policy" on my resume? I have a hunch the MC-MPA degree will not sound as compelling. 2) Since the MC-MPA is significantly less rigorous than the MPP degree - it includes much less economics, no Spring Exercise and no Policy Analysis Exercise seminar - will it be adequate preparation for going into a Ph. D program afterwards?
  10. I also got this same email today, asking me to considering switching from the MPP program that I applied for, to the MC/MPA program, due to my career experience (I'm mid 30's). However, I'm still more attracted to the two year MPP program, as it will give me a chance to take more interesting classes. Yet, acceptance rates for MC/MPA are apparently much higher. Tough decision.....
  11. Congratulations! You have very impressive GRE scores, so I'm not surprised. I hope the process of preparing to begin your studies goes well.
  12. Congratulations! You are blessed to be notified early of your decision. Most of us will be waiting on pins and needles until mid-March....
  13. Did they indicate to you that the interview was required, or was it optional? I applied early this time, but haven't gotten any communication regarding an interview. Will update if I do.
  14. John Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies has great China and Japan resources.
  15. HKS MPP, MSFS, SAIS, Elliott Decided NOT to apply to: SIPA and SIS ....deadlines are still a ways away, so I'm spending lots of time perfecting all my essays, getting good recommendations, and looking at funding options.
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