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  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    MFA Painting

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  1. Congratulations!!!!!
  2. Rejected Good luck @Zander!!! I hope you get it.
  3. That is such a bummer. RISD ghosted me too.
  4. I hope so, but who knows. Did they tell you where you were on the waitlist? Are you going to stay on it? I told them that I'm still interested, but all these uncertainties are leaving me feeling a bit up in the air and overwhelmed.
  5. @MFAAFM Hey I was just notified that I was put on the wait list for Tyler. Check your inbox!
  6. Seriously, plus I bet things have been delayed because of the storm. I thought my interview went ok, but not great. I thought I answered their questions pretty well, but I found it hard to read the room since there were so many vastly different personalities. How did yours go?
  7. Has anyone heard from Tyler painting? I didn't ask when we they would get back to us during my interview and now I'm kicking myself.
  8. Hey do you know when we will receive our financial aid information?
  9. It was sent through USPS. It looks like the postage was purchased on the 26th, so you should get something soon.
  10. No, but I bombed my interview in a big way, so I am not expecting anything.
  11. Accepted into SAIC's painting program!! I received a voicemail yesterday and called back today to get the good news. I also received an acceptance package in the mail this afternoon. I don't have any financial aid information yet, but hopefully that is also in the mail.
  12. A couple of people received interview requests earlier today. I think didn't receive anything though, so I am assuming an implied rejection.
  13. whhhyyyyyyyyyy?! This hurts my heart.
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