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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall

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  1. I agree that that kind of statement is used generally in rejection letters. It's their way of lessening the blow of being rejected by stating that they're sure you'll do great somewhere else. Congrats on getting in to your top choice!!
  2. Congrats!!! So were those all of the programs you applied to? Or are you waiting to hear back from some more? Best of luck making your decision
  3. Hi! I'm not sure how it works for Engineering. Is your acceptance based mainly on your POI's interest in working with you? If so, I'd make sure to start looking for other professors asap. This isn't to say that you're rejected, but it seems like spots are limited and your POI is trying to find a way to make sure that if he / she doesn't have a spot for you, you still have options with other professors. Best of luck!
  4. I don't know about OISE - so hopefully someone else who does can speak to that. Did they give you an idea of when you may hear back? I'm stressing too. I understand the reasoning behind decision deadlines, but it's so hard to make a decision when you don't have all the information in front of you. Maybe if all the programs gave out all their choices at the same time with the same decision deadline, it would make sense...but then, that would be too easy I'm sure haha. Program 1 was my top choice when I was applying. It's a good fit for my research, interesting courses, professors and personal interests (or so it seems). My other acceptance (Program 2) has the benefit of great funding plus keeping my supervisor from my Master's degree. We already work extremely well together and accepting that offer would eliminate a lot of the stress surrounding finding / working with someone new (who may or may not be as fantastic). Program 3 has a really interesting program with a POI I'm interested in that has expressed interest in working with me. There's an open house, but that's after the decision deadlines of the other 2 programs. I'm envious of those who have everything together and know exactly where they want to go. I feel so indecisive about everything.
  5. ^^ I haven't heard anything. Is this something being explicitly stated by universities / Phd graduates searchig for jobs? As more and more schools are offering these types of programs - and calls for interdisciplinary approaches to research topics are common - That completely boggles my mind! I'm interested in hearing more if anyone has more info!!
  6. I feel the same way. I think that may be why when I was applying, Comm Cult was my top choice. I like to have options, especially since we know the current outlook for the academic job market. The program seems to fit what I'm looking for and fits my research. And true... who knows what may change (individually as well as the job market market) between now and when we graduate. Yet, I still don't feel like I'm 100% ready to accept the offer! (it's so frustrating!). It's possible to get it done in 4 years - but as we all know, there are a variety of factors that can affect that. It all depends on the individual, what's going on in their life at the time, priorities and external events. I think having the additional 1-2 more years to finish allows for a cushion - some may procrastinate more, take more time, enjoy the student life - while others will hold steadfast to their goal of finishing in 4. I know of people who took a 2 year Master's program, but were only funded for 1 - and finished in 1 because financially it wasn't possible to extend it. It's not the same as a PhD - but still an example of how a tight (or seemingly fixed) deadline can be a motivating factor. I'm glad I'm not the only one finding it hard to make a decision!
  7. Congrats to you both!!! The first acceptance is definitely thrilling and a huge relief I've been accepted to do my PhD at York, a joint York-Ryerson program and Queen's. I am over the moon happy - but somehow feel like more than one offer makes things harder. I can't seem to make up my mind. Anyone else find themselves in a similar situation? I'm still waiting on one more school to get back to me though.
  8. ^^ I can totally relate to the dreams! I've been pretty lucky as my first acceptance happened way earlier than I was even expecting. Have you looked in the results search to see when applicants to your programs started receiving news? That really helped me as I wasn't even thinking that I would hear any news before early March. Easier said than done, but try and keep yourself busy with other things (away from the computer!), I really think that when I was checking the results / my email multiple times that tended to increase my restlessness and anxiety.
  9. Two offers of admission! Today must be my lucky day :)

  10. Congrats hazelnut.latte! I'm in a similar position - I've also been accepted to communication and culture and haven't heard anything back from the other programs I applied to (none from OISE so I can't speak to that). I'm debating whether or not I should contact the other programs.
  11. Thanks jeetlebuice!! __ I think there was only one POI that didn't even respond to my email. Everyone else (POIs and program secretaries) has been extremely nice and helpful.
  12. Thanks Tiggerise!! Best of luck and I know exactly how you feel. I was waiting about a month before I heard anything and I thought THAT was hard! I didn't know that some applications have been re-opened. It sounds like a positive development for applicants
  13. Received an email that I've been accepted into York's PhD program! So excited and also caught off guard as I wasn't expecting to hear anything until March.
  14. First acceptance letter! Was not expecting to hear this early :)

  15. I am waiting to hear back from York, Queen's and McGill. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone in checking my email a lot - even though I know I won't hear back until March (hopefully!). Best of luck, everyone!
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