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Posts posted by DeWi

  1. I'm very eager to hear back, but it will be hard to wait two more weeks.

    Last year Whitewater did not notify until late March, I hope they notify earlier this year!

    Are you from Milwaukee? What made you choose to apply to those WI schools?

    I'm from Delaware, but I thought Milwaukee would be a cool city to go to grad school in. Plus. UWW and UWM both have aphasia labs/clinics, which is what I'm really interested in. I also figured since the Midwest isn't quite as populated as the East Coast, I might have a better shot of getting in! Gotta say I won't be excited about those winters though if I do get in  :P

  2. I applied to UW-Milwaukee and UW-Whitewater as well. I've heard nothing from Milwaukee, though I'm glad you found out a date! All I received from UW-Whitewater was an email saying they received my application, and a link to apply for graduate assistantship while waiting on a decision. 


    Really excited its finally March, because I'm so tired of this process and I just want to hear back!

  3. Because I live in tiny little Delaware, I wanted to use grad school as an opportunity to live in a new city, so I started with location. Then I used ASHA's website to narrow down schools based on the GPAs the accepted and their acceptance rates (though I admit I did apply to a few schools I knew I would have a tough time of getting into simply for my mom wanting me closer to home). Then I made sure that the schools I was applying to had clinics/labs or professors that were focused on aphasias, because that's the field of SLP I'd like to work in. Definitely spend a lot of time on ASHA's EdFind...it was very helpful!

  4. Hello @daisynic.....


    not that it's a good thing for either of us, but it's nice to see someone with an undergrad GPA closer to my horrible 2.77.  I think the committees at the schools you are applying to will see your improvement with that 4.0 in recent classes and value your teaching experience.  It's good that you applied to many schools also and to less competitive programs.  Your GRE's are really good too.  I emailed over 100 schools last May and through communication with them narrowed my schools to the 15 I applied to.  I'm sure you will get into a school this year! :)



    @twinguy7 Hi! I'm an applicant for the fall 2015 cycle, and I'm so sad I didn't come across this post until I already started submitting applications. My stats also aren't the greatest (2.89 on CSDCAS, 2.66 overall at my undergrad, 2.89 last 60 credits). I took about a two year break from school because I wasn't getting good grades. However, the last three I've been back semesters I've had 3.0, 3.8, 3.86, with a GRE of 164v/154q/4.0a. My personal statement addresses my poor GPA, but I'm afraid that most programs won't even get to reading it because I don't meet their GPA cutoffs. After reading this, I'm considering e-mailing my top two schools (UWI-Milwaukee & UMD-College Park) about how flexible their cutoff is and the likelihood of my explanatory statement being read. How did you manage to e-mail so many schools about their willingness to take chances on lower GPA while sounding interested but not desperate?


    I'm applying to 9 schools overall and I just feel way in over my head.  :(

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