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Everything posted by angel_kaye13

  1. Oh my gosh!!!! One of my hopeful, "someday" schools!! A VERY hearty congratulations to you!!!
  2. Shameless plug, for my South African animal rights friends.~ Remember: dogs are roughly a 10-year commitment, if not longer! I love animals SO much too, I totally get the longing for one! Just make sure to project beyond grad school, which can be a transitional/turbulent time, moving-wise.~ #adoptdontshop
  3. I apologize if this matter has already been touched on, or even if it's a stupid question; I searched the forums, but couldn't find anything really on this topic. (But if you know one, I'll be glad to be redirected!) Okay! So the question: I know who I'd like to ask to be my advisor. Assuming he/she is okay with that. But what's the proper protocol? Here's my line of thinking: there's a recruitment weekend coming up, and I've already requested to meet with my ideal advisor..Is it too overeager to broach the topic there? Some firsthand experiences would be great to hear.~ Thanks in advance.~
  4. I think...I would do all that I could, if I could attain to the level of Raspberry Mocha. That would be living the dream.

    1. Josh J.

      Josh J.

      Do you get that through posts, or upvotes?

    2. angel_kaye13


      *^^* Josh: I think it's probably not an actual title. It might be! But I doubt it. I just wish it were...To me, that would be the ultimate to attain. You would get it through postings, and I think that I would probably try to limit my postings, once I got to that level...*^^*

  5. Whoo! LOTS of excitement today!! Congrats to the increased stipend! And HUGE congrats to the Temple, UMich, and Oregon (and if I missed anyone??) admits!!! Congratulations all!!!!!!*^^*
  6. I'm not a person who gets all fanatic/"oh my gosh, it's a famous person." But. One time, I was visiting Stratford, and John Lithgow was playing Falstaff, I believe, in 12th Night. We stayed after and were able to meet and grab a picture of him. ^^ It was really neat. :-)
  7. That's a nice turn of events! Here's hoping for some happy return from the Masters in Humanities DGS! {fingers crossed!}
  8. Huge Congrats-shoutout to Ashley and Mollified, on your victories!!! *^^*
  9. There were a few things. 1.) I was surprised by some of the negativity. 2.) I was surprised by how many students applied to 10+ schools. (This was probably a stupid thing on my part, but WOW, that's a lot of money!!*^^* ) 3.) I was surprised at how little time I spent on grad cafe, after submission of documents. I started out strong at first, thinking it would help me to gauge when responses were coming in. But 2 months is a long time to stare at empty screens..I find myself on here more frequently, now, now that I have my results (more helpful information, instead of the aimless waiting). And lastly, 4.) I was surprised at my emotion, when I knew what school I was going to choose. Two months prior? I never would have guessed!
  10. :-) I don't know if this will be too early or not, but I just wanted to encourage you in your pursuit of your studies! I hope you find a good group of friends here, they really have been a supportive bunch this session. Good luck! To your year, 2016~ ^^
  11. "forgive my language, but that's horsepoo." I'm out of up-votes, yet again, but I wholeheartedly like you. :D I didn't mean to sound demeaning, I just was thinking of all my colleagues I graduated with, doing their thing already. I know I was doing something, too, overseas, and everything in time and season (I wouldn't trade a thing, really)...But girls tend to compare, when we shouldn't. :-) Rightly chastised! ^^ Oh my gosh, Hannalore, I feel we should talk! But you'll be leaving soon, to whatever program! I had NO idea you were at Clemson, comPLETELY went over my head! If we're still in the area at the same time, or you come back to your stomping ground, we'll definitely have to dialogue more. (I only say later so that I can get a little knowledge in my head and not appear QUITE the dunce! Undergrad studies have never seemed so long ago.... #getmebacktothebooks??? ;-) ) I did my research of the area before applying, I promise, but I didn't realize Clemson had a graduate program for English! I really feel so silly now! But whatever! Neurotic A/S's unite! I actually was thinking about that: after receiving word of my acceptance, I immediately messaged the director back, and she told me to send any questions her way. Well, the only question I had was about a fellowship, which I queried about. Lo and behold, this morning, I re-read back through the email - BECAUSE I'm neurotic like that [or excited, I've heard it both ways] - and there it is. Glaringly. I have used the wrong "their." I never do that. 10 sheets of red. (I typed the email on my phone, like I do.) And now I hate phones. ;-) All this talk really makes my heart happy. I cannot thank either of you enough. I'm already excited, but you never really know. But "murmurs" of great things happening in Virginia and Toronto were what initially started me on this journey, and so it makes me feel all the more secure about the murmurs happening between ND, Clemson, etc... I'm the ever-thanker, but thank you, thank you, thank you, most from my heart.~
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