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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Social Work

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  1. Hello, I recently graduated from my undergrad with a low gpa (2.5) and major gpa (3.2) I am now an upcoming graduate student in NY. I applied to Fordham, Columbia, NYU, and LIU. I didn't get into Fordham and Columbia (I figured I wouldn't) and got accepted at the other 2 schools. My suggestion for you, is to take a chance and apply anyway but still have a back up plan. I know people who got into Columbia with a 2.4 gpa. Also if you have experiences with any type of social work, use that to your advantage in your essay. Gpa plays a big part in getting in if the school is more focused on academics but if you have a strong essay and strong recommendation letters you can still make it. You can also take the GRE, I chose not to because it wasn't required but that is an option too. You can also reach out to admissions and ask them questions to see if it would be worth your time even applying. Last thing, when you write your essay for the schools, don't make an excuse for why you didn't meet the gpa. Own up to it and show them how you have grown and matured from it and how show them you will be a great candidate for their MSW program. Talk about your hardships and if your a first generation college student, throw that in there and discuss how it affected you. Give it a shot and take a chance! Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!
  2. what school was it? it wasn't NYU was it?
  3. That is great! I'm still waiting.
  4. They said within the next month. smh
  5. awww, I'm still waiting to. I think I'm going to call tomorrow because I'm curious about when they stop accepting people or start taking people off the wait list. its almost 4 months now.
  6. Hello, I haven't heard much but did other people get an email saying they have been selected to be on a waitlist for NYU MSW program? Also are you still on the waitlist or know if they started calling people off the wait list? I feel like I have been waiting forever.
  7. Hey did you ever hear back or do they still have you waiting?
  8. Has anyone been placed on a wait list for the program?
  9. I am still on the waitlist to. Someone said when they got accepted that the deadline was April 30th for them to respond and for my program I know last year people were accepted in the first week of May. I wish you guys the best of luck! May the odds be in your favor!
  10. Is anyone on the NYU waitlist?
  11. Is anyone still waiting for NYU?
  12. I am in the same boat as you!! I didn't get accepted anywhere and got waitlisted for my dream school and waiting to hear back from my other school. I'm trying to be positive. I hear positive stories. Just keep positive and good luck!
  13. I emailed the school and this was their response...it sounds positive to me. So I pray it works. I sent an email to admissions starting with a thank you for considering me, told them it is still my dream school, discussed my updates and how I won't give up, and told them how I fit in the school and pointed out great qualities I admire in the mission statement. "I just spoke with Ms. Sheryl Goldfarb, Director of Admissions here at the Silver School of Social Work. She asked that I relay to you that the Admissions Committee needs more time in which to render a decision on your application. This is neither an acceptance nor rejection. I have shared with her your email where you update us on your experience as well as your committment, strong desire and motivation to attend our school. I will attach your additional statement to your application."
  14. Yeah, I would suggest calling or emailing them to ask when they will have a decision. I'm not sure how they do their decisions but I think they are waiting for the admitted students to make their decision. In my email they put me on a wait list and said they are hoping to have their incoming class settled soon and they said they are sorry for the inconvenience. The Admissions Blog also said they should have decisions in April. They are probably going to tell you to wait and don't lose hope. But I wish you luck!
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