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Status Replies posted by FantasticalDevPsych

  1. Well that was amazing! Talked with one of the big names in the Education Neuroscience field, it was fun getting to discuss the challenges in the field without having to defend either education to a neuroscientist or neuroscience to an educator... She also said it sounded like I was in the right field on the right track and wished me luck on my applications.

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Exactly! Though that's how I ended up accepted to my PhD program and starting now!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Well that was amazing! Talked with one of the big names in the Education Neuroscience field, it was fun getting to discuss the challenges in the field without having to defend either education to a neuroscientist or neuroscience to an educator... She also said it sounded like I was in the right field on the right track and wished me luck on my applications.

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Congrats from someone who had a similar experience at a conference so I know how awesome a feeling that is! Good luck on your applications! :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Just changed my signature to "already attending". I never thought I'd be doing so this year. Never give up.

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Thank you, it's orientation morning for me! Good luck to you as well!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Every time I get an email about my program I get so uncontainably excited... then a little voice is my head says "It is going to be a lot of work! Why are you so excited?"

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Agreed entirely! Both the excitement & nerves are there for me too!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Accepted my PhD offer on the day of my last undergrad final (and received a very nice and prompt email from my advisor)! I'm going to grad school!!

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Thank you! :) It happened in such a strange way but it happened!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Accepted my PhD offer on the day of my last undergrad final (and received a very nice and prompt email from my advisor)! I'm going to grad school!!

  7. Accepted my PhD offer on the day of my last undergrad final (and received a very nice and prompt email from my advisor)! I'm going to grad school!!

  8. Pushing through last assignment... sometimes I LOVE programming in R, sometimes it is supremely FRUSTRATING!!@ GRR!!

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Completely understand this, just replace R with Python... Good luck to you!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Accepted!!

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Thank you! It happened in the strangest way possible (this is the school of the prof I met at conference) but I'm so excited!!!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Finally get to change my signature. Accepted!

  11. Skyped with the prof who recruited me to apply for now at confrence (where I would be fully funded at an R1) which went well! Then rejected from the one school I offically interviewed at... You win some lose some...!

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Thank you! I think it'll be worth filling out one more grad school app (very long story)!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Paid RA search is starting off well: first interview request received the day I applied (and at an Ivy)!

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Feel like it went well... Will know what sounds like shortly

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Paid RA search is starting off well: first interview request received the day I applied (and at an Ivy)!

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Thank you!! I'm excited and a bit nervous... about to have it!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Just had an interview at a school that I was officially rejected from because they brought on new faculty. If I'm rejected from the same program 3 times in 2 years, I'm just going to scream.

  15. Just when I thought I was shut out... I met a prof at conference who is looking for students, we chatted about my thesis and a proposed study, she mentioned we'd probably have a lot in common and gave me her card and welcomed my app for either this or next cycle! Wow! Now to reevaluate my plan again...

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Thank you guys! I can't believe it! They also chaired my favorite symposium that I attended with my mentor! I can apply for now if I wish! It's an R1 but not very high ranked in psychology... and the craziest part? I wasn't presenting just attending!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. It's official. I didn't get in to any programs this year. Well, I WILL be trying again in the fall. Good wished for everyone else.

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      No problem! Same boat as you. Disappointed but don't want to give up yet. I'm also an undergrad so I have to find something else to do as well.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. It's official. I didn't get in to any programs this year. Well, I WILL be trying again in the fall. Good wished for everyone else.

  18. It's official. I didn't get in to any programs this year. Well, I WILL be trying again in the fall. Good wished for everyone else.

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      I'm also in the same boat. Let's not give up yet!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. The post-interview wait is so much worse... so anxious to know if it's acceptance or (probable) shutout... so anxious I just want to jump out of my skin!

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Thank you everyone! I'm happy to have not been rejected yet! Just had to rant to people that understand. It's so scary if it also probably determines if I get shutout this round!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. The post-interview wait is so much worse... so anxious to know if it's acceptance or (probable) shutout... so anxious I just want to jump out of my skin!

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      I had no idea post-interview would be worse. I'm trying... It's almost been three weeks for me.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. Oh Dear Programs! My inbox is lonely and sad. My inbox could use some lovely acceptance emails, the poor dear. Not rejections, though. My inbox wouldn't like those at all.

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      This is great! I agree completely.

  22. So after trying out 11 different baskets, it looks like all my eggs are left in one. I sure hope that basket accepts me.

  23. Application season is an emotional roller coaster that you are riding in the dark so you have no idea when you are going up or down...

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Written during downhill...

      I went from my probably only interview invite to at least two presumed rejections (on the same day) within about three days, which inspired this.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. Application season is an emotional roller coaster that you are riding in the dark so you have no idea when you are going up or down...

    1. FantasticalDevPsych


      Thanks! :) Thought it was the best way to describe my feelings ATM.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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