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Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Critical Theory, Women's and Gender Studies, Romantic Poetry, History of Rhetoric, Pedagogy
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    English PHD

LilithWntDwn2TN's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Fascinating. My SO tells me that following this stuff is only going to make me more anxious. I'm not sure if it will or not but cannot look away.
  2. Question: some of these posts indicate that some of y'all know when one or two people have been accepted before anything is posted on this forum. How does one acquire such information?
  3. LilithWntDwn2TN


    I don't know about you all, but when I'm working on a writing project, I tend to drag around every book, document, and folder I imagine could relate to my work in my backpack. Also, my huge-mongous laptop. And one or two meals because I work long days. The result is that, were I not so spiffily attired, I could be mistaken for a bag lady. Ok. I am a bag lady. And I want to find out where I can get one of those roll-y bags. I'm too old to put this kind of stress on my back. Anyway, rolly-bags. You know, the fancy looking ones? Any recommendations?
  4. I haven't shared my stats since, honestly, I'm intimidated. I don't want to be some hustling rube, you know? I've gotten accepted into one program, but some part of me still thinks I'll be rejected everywhere else. So many people on this forum are applying to top ten only schools. Anyway, for my SIU Carbondale acceptance here are the stats: GRE: 170 qualitative, 145 quantitative, 4.5 analytic GPA: 3.9 (English MA), 3.95 (M.Ed), and 3.65 (BA) over 6 conferences ranging from graduate to internationally recognized 1 pending book chapter publication Several years teaching experience (high school and college) I also fancy myself quite the writer.
  5. Primarily Critical Theory with an emphasis in women and gender studies. My mentor has several friends there I'm supposed to contact.
  6. Congrats to the Berkeley admits, you magnificent unicorns you!
  7. Accepted to Southern Illinois in Carbondale, recommended for a fellowship.
  8. Everyone in my department says he's a middle-brow deviation of Raymond Williams. I asked because he's written a bit about the ways that academic institutions support the hegemony. I thought his argument was a bit... hypocritical? He never addressed his professional stake in the university system. I mean, he publishes and works as a professor, so, if universities participate capitalism, doesn't he have the moral imperative to avoid actively contributing to that "industry"? DH seems pretty hot right now, especially paired with Rhet-Comp. Like, jobs seem to exist there. I'm jealous. And I like the stuff I've seen on posthumanism.
  9. Been reading Terry Eagleton?
  10. Well... bummer. I shall commence self-flagellation.
  11. Contemporary Critical Theory: Mainly, I think I liked this because it's where I met my mentor. The way she taught the class was very open. She has a way of allowing graduates to explore topics that are relevant to their holistic growth in and outside of the particular class. It's also where I began researching the theorist who has become the centerpiece of my thesis. Finally, it had an excellent mix of students with varying perspectives and backgrounds but all willing to share their ideas in discussion. Of course, I love critical theory itself, but I'm a pretty promiscuous intellect and tend to love any hard discipline.
  12. Hey, so what's the deal with interviews in English Ph.D. programs? Will all/most programs request them?
  13. I'm on my second. My first was an M.Ed.; I was 23. My second was an M.A.; I was 26.
  14. Hello! I'm jumping in because I'm in a "twiddling-my-thumbs" phase. Oh, sure, I have to finish my thesis, write a chapter for a book, and substitute teach to keep the lights on (my assistantship ended in December), but all I can think about are those applications... just sitting... out there. Productivity is at an all-time low. :/
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