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  1. Try to go to conferences and meet with professors and current students.
  2. Hm, that is interesting. I sent 8 e-mails and heard from all but 1. Perhaps professors are bombarded with e-mails as most of the semesters begin this week or next week. As long as your e-mail didn't seem generic, I think you are fine. I hope you stated why you think that you would be a good fit for the program. Also, some professors don't want to respond to a question such as "Do you have openings for next semester?" as they may not be sure of funding and what not. I wouldn't take it personally.
  3. I think that you have very high chances of being accepted. Professors love to see diversity in applicants and an applied mathematics background is helpful for making contributions to understanding sound and using technology. Good luck! I think you are fine!
  4. @musicologypl - You still have time! No need to start worrying until the end of February!
  5. Still waiting on a response from one more school. Then I can accept my offer! Ah, it's almost the end of March!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theory411


      I know right, I will be so frustrated if I am rejected and they made me wait. They told me originally March 13th and then they told me the "end of March!"

    3. youngcharlie101


      Sending you positive vibes. It'll be all right, mate. You can do it. :)

    4. theory411
  6. Why haven't I heard from my last school? (Feeling so frustrated!)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. theory411


      Agh, I did ask last week and they told me between the 13th and 15th of March. But it's now the 16th! LOL. Awww, ugh. Sorry guys for your frustration. It's not even for a PhD app - it's Master's. Otherwise, I'd just assume I was rejected :-(

    3. Cc1213


      May I ask what school?

    4. .letmeinplz//


      I know the frustration very well :(

  7. One more school to hear from. Then I can accept an offer! :-D

  8. Cumulative GPA. Hmm, if you transferred your first year - they may not consider your first year GPA at all. Admissions committees usually only care about the last 60 credit hours - that GPA. If you have a nice cumulative GPA, it only strengthens your app.
  9. Yeah, well - you might be able to wiggle your way out of the WPs. WPs are suspicious because you were passing and you withdrew...could it be you had a family problem? overload yourself with too many classes? (It might be in your favor to explain the WPs). WFs explain themselves.
  10. I was waiting in a Port Everglades (Florida) cruise terminal...using the wifi, about to board my ship... when suddenly I received an acceptance e-mail Made my trip a million and one times better!
  11. Don't worry about the WF (universities allow you one free one). WP - you might wanna explain those? (I had two Ws on my transcripts - I don't think it negatively impacted my application). Don't worry about your first or second year (one of my Ws was in my second year). Admissions committees care about your last two years. It really depends on the university you attend. If you have a GPA over 3.5, don't worry about the D or the Ws. If you are pulling a 3.0, and you are dropping non-stop - it might raise some flags. I am not really sure of your situation. I would take the D in the language class - it's better than 4 Ws. Grad schools don't like to see giving up.
  12. Do you need a foreign language class for a Psychology program in grad school? If not, take the D. For at least, it shows you are willing to stick through a rough time and not give up or fear the D. I had a friend accepted into Yale with a D on his transcript in some class that had nothing to do with the field. Don't worry about it. As long as you have a lot of As and Bs - one D won't make a difference, in my opinion.
  13. The best feeling is having one acceptance - because really, that is all you need :-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TenaciousBushLeaper


      apparently, you'll also feel better about that choice, since it is your only choice.

    3. ahlatsiawa
    4. theory411


      Haha, you are right. No what-ifs, right? :-)

  14. Is the class in your major? If not, stay in the class and get a D.
  15. Unbelievably anxious. Please somewhere accept me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theory411


      Aw, congratulations. I hope so too. But shouldn't be til at earliest 23rd. I talked to one of my schools and they said no admission decision until 13th of March - awhile to come.

    3. 1Q84


      meep! better find a way to bury your head in the sand until then :)

    4. MidwesternAloha


      Did you already interview?

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