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  • Gender
  • Location
    Seattle, WA
  • Interests
    Programming Languages, Theory
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Ph.D in Computer Science, UW

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Double Shot

Double Shot (5/10)



  1. RT @darrenrovell: Christie's auctioning Roger Bannister's shoes he used to break 4-minute mile in 1954 http://t.co/4gPO9sRo53
  2. A lot of schools have programs for adults returning to school late in life. I would hunt hard for them starting now. Might just be financial aid (which is great too obviously) but some schools have staff who are equipped to handle these sorts of questions. They can probably help you get on track to get accepted somewhere decent.
  3. Computer science professor Professional runner Sports journalist Professional triathlete Absolutely not, but I think 1 is the most realistic, so that's why I'm about to do this whole grad school thing.
  4. Hey, there's a thread for this: But welcome to Seattle!
  5. Hey guys, here's my listing for my place: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/roo/4962551698.html If aynone's interested let me know! I'll be chatting with some potential roommates over the next month or so and seeing who is probably the best fit. I'd prefer someone around June but if you're not here until September and are interested, feel free to still reach out. PM or response to the craigslist ad is best.
  6. Thank god. I just placed an offer on a condo and affording it is totally contingent upon those three extra months of funding haha
  7. I just put an offer on a 2 bed, 1 1/2 bath in Queen Anne (extremely nice neighborhood), will be looking for a roommate for $800-900/month depending on the closing price if I get this one. Easy bus or bike ride to UW.
  8. Yeah I had someone give me a P/P (while everyone else gave me G/VG) and his actual feedback didn't seem to be very negative, other than pointing out that the research proposal was a bit rough and needed more development, and my recommendations didn't mention support for my specific research path. I have no idea why he gave me a P for broader impacts, since he wrote about those broader impacts factually and then concluded it at that without any mention of where his opinion that the broader impacts were poor came from. There were a lot of great applicants and I'm not bitter about not receiving it, but I am confused by how two of three gave me reasonably good scores and this one guy seemed to absolutely hate my application.
  9. I don't think I was specific enough about research interests. Should have went ahead and proposed a specific project. I picked a specific subfield and explained how it could be useful to the DOD, but it still wasn't an actual project from what I can remember. I should do well in most categories but might get docked a lot for that.
  10. I've been working for three years since I graduated college and apparently sometimes people get docked for that due to higher expectations. I've been in a software engineering job though so I obviously haven't published anything during that time. I've done lots of interesting internal projects but that's about it
  11. I have similar GRE scores and a similar undergrad GPA. I also was a TA (in a senior-level undergrad course) and did two years of undergrad research. My second year of undergrad research culminated in an honors thesis, but I have no publications. I also have the diversity thing going for me. I only got into two out of seven schools; I'm lucky one of those schools was my top choice from the start. Also got rejected from two fellowships so far. Only one left. Really nervous about summer jobs. Can't imagine living in Seattle off of nine months of income.
  12. Is it possible to get this without any publications or am I kidding myself at this point? I wrote about my undergrad research and linked to my honors thesis but I never bothered submitting it to any journals.
  13. Did those who won draft research proposals alone or with the help of an advisor? Wondering how to approach next year. Since I've been out of school for three years I did this year without any help, which apparently didn't work out too well.
  14. I didn't get it, and furthermore, the reviewers seemed to totally disagree about me: VG/VG G/G P/P uhhh
  15. I was thinking more like when you're not sure if you've been naughty or nice and legitimately believe in Santa and think you might get coal. I'm Jewish, so I don't know if anyone ever actually believes the coal part, but it feels analogous.
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