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Status Updates posted by HistoryGypsy

  1. Moving into the new place in just three days. It's all getting so real, so fast!

  2. Mere hours ago I clicked the button ('Accept') that seals my fate for the next five years. Penn State, here I come!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ERR_Alpha


      Yay! Welcome to PSU! :)

    3. danica1


      Congrats! See you there!

    4. Munashi


      Welcome! Glad to have you join us. :)

  3. Full funding plus $25,000 per year fellowship! I always knew that doing my homework well would eventually pay off someday . . .

  4. Nothing distracts you from overanalyzing while waiting on university decisions like Norovirus!

    1. iphi


      Thought at first that your campus had had an epidemic. Then I realized. Feel better soon!

  5. Got an acceptance! My first one! Amazing how much easier it is to breathe now.

  6. I started this whole process with confidence and boundless eagerness. Now I have a Nutella addiction and an eye twitch.

    1. wuglife427


      For me it's Oreos and a finger twitch. I guess I already had both, but the waiting is not helping in either case.

    2. Threeboysmom


      So sorry. I do remember an eye twitch during the application/waiting process. Its just stress it will subside.

  7. Waiting, waiting, waiting . . . Oh, just one program, please want me!

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