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Posts posted by RosyPosy68

  1. Hey all, I graduated in 2014 and am currently taking a gap year to do some research abroad. I'm planning to apply for a research Fulbright for the 2016-2017 cycle and just had a few questions:


    1) I did a study abroad semester and my grades were pretty bad (A-, B-, and C+ in the courses that transferred over back at my home university). My grades overall though are good. I graduated magna cum laude, have good research output and have published a paper where I was first author. How badly are these grades likely to affect my application? The only thing I can really say is that I was a bit distracted during that study abroad semester (it was 4 years ago, I was dumb and young). But when I got back home, I made sure I was on top of my game in those courses by auditing the equivalent course at my university.


    2) If I'm applying for the research Fulbright and I'm positive the research group I would be invited to work in uses English as the main language (since the group is very international), how important is demonstrating fluency in the local language? I know that it would obviously help, but does it look very bad to not have some sort of certification if it's not absolutely required for the work I'll be doing? I'll be applying to do research in Germany. I'll be spending 4 months doing research at a German university. I took German in high school and did one semester of it in college, but I'm VERY rusty. I think if I put my head to the books and spent some time dusting off, I could definitely pass A2 certification. B1 with quite a bit of work. Just wondering how necessary this is since I'll have to keep an eye on test dates for the exams.

     Hello Omhk!


    I don't know very much about the Germany programs, but I want to make sure you have some of the good website resources to get a good idea of what kind of participant profile Fulbright is looking for.  Although a strong academic background is required (I'm quite sure you magna standing will make up for a few mistakes a while ago), the ultimate focus of Fulbright is leadership, ambassadorial skills, and an ability to/interest in enhancing relationships and understanding between the U.S. and your country of placement.  If you can make an excellent case for why your background and your proposed project set you up for that, then you are a much better candidate than if you had a perfect academic transcript and none of those qualities.  (Just as a side note-- I started learning German this year on my own and I'm working on preparing for A1... Props on getting to B1... This is hard!!!)


    I'm sure you can get more specific info from other Fulbright Germany applicants, but in the mean time, check out some of these resources:


    U.S. Fulbright Website

    Specifically, I'd read all the information under "Countries" about Germany and then read all the tabs under "Applicants" to get a good understanding of what Fulbright wants. (You may already know all of this... But just in case!)


    German Fulbright Commission


    The commissions play a huge role in application decisions if your application becomes a finalist after the IIE screening. They are the review board in the actual destination country. 



    If you have questions after all of that, emailing or calling your undergrad institution's Fulbright Program Adviser (FPA) or the the IIE directly usually has good results, although I'd wait a month or two to reach out to IIE since they're probably being bombarded with panicking finalists about decisions right now.


    I wish I had more info to give you, but I hope this helps a little! It's how I started out with my UK application process.

  2. cloudysky, you're awesome. Thanks! More info that makes me feel like I'm doing something productive about this waiting process! haha


    Also, whoever fixed the formatting/ filters on the spreadsheet: Thank you!!!!! Everything got all mis-sorted the other day and I was stressing, though I'm not sure why...


    ANOTHER ALSO: Happy World Women's Day! :)  :)

  3. If either of you would be willing to weigh in on CBYX vs. Fulbright ETA in Germany, I'd be really, really grateful.

    Hi! I don't know a whole lot about either, but I will send you a message in a little bit! Anything I know about CBYX is based on the experiences of a German participant in the US. As far as the Fulbright goes, I am an applicant to the UK rather than Germany, and I don't know anyone who has done Fulbright to Germany. It seems to me that they at both prestigious and both based on promoting cultural exchange and understanding. If it were me, Fulbright would be my first choice. But that is ONLY because CBYX is, by definition, for young professionals, and I'm not at a point in my field where I could enter the workforce in a job I actually wanted. I also love language, so teaching english and learning german would be perfect for me. I think it probably comes down to "fit". What do you think each program is looking for in a participant, and which one fits what you can give and what

    Experience you are looking for.

  4. For those of you that were worrying about transcripts, I just came across this on one of my many re-reads of the Fulbright website.


     *Please note that IIE cannot confirm the receipt of individual transcripts. IIE will notify you after the listed deadline if a required transcript is missing.


    So if you didn't get a notification, you're all good!

  5. Nope. I still haven't heard anything official, though I'm starting to freak out now. I just saw on Facebook that a professor at my alma mater got a US Scholar award to Ireland... Yet I haven't heard anything yet!

    Don't worry!!! I know that for several countries the Scholar awards go out quite a bit before the student awards!!!!

  6. Yay to the first two accepted! Hoping we get another batch before the weekend... Austria, Finland, UK, which country gonna be next?!



    I think a lot of us were expecting Ireland first!  Rockermaster, still no news??  


    I vote UK next! Oh.. actually that's just wishful thinking. They're still interviewing.  Which reminds me: If anyone applying to the UK has an interview scheduled AFTER Monday the 9th, can you PLEASE post it on the spreadsheet?? Even if you do it anonymously without making an account. As far as any of us can tell so far, that's the last interview date for the UK!  I'm going to try not to refresh my email quite as often until I know interviews are over.  ;)

  7. Are any of you also waiting for notification from DAAD for studies/research in Germany? Sadly, I decided to log in to the DAAD application portal today and I saw the dreaded words "application rejected" under application status. :'( Although I haven't heard from the DAAD directly yet, I'm not going to get my hopes up after seeing that. BUT, luckily I'm still a finalist for Fulbright, and I'm kind of curious if anyone on here can confirm this--a few people that I know said that, since the DAAD and Fulbright grants are both decided by the same committees, it's possible that the DAAD could have rejected my application if they considered my Fulbright application to be exceptionally strong (which, presumably it was, since I got two letters of affiliation from faculty at the German university). Are any of you past applicants lurking around that would like to share your experiences? (i.e. did any of you get rejected by DAAD but still get the Fulbright?!) I'm just trying to find a gleam of hope here. Life was much less stressful before, knowing I was still a candidate for both fellowships... seeing the word "rejected" has officially killed my mood for the day.


    I'm sorry for your disappointment, but I'm keeping my fingers EXTRA-CROSSED that it's only because you have a Fulbright waiting for you!

  8. was just accepted to a western european ETA program. subject line was "Fulbright (Country) Acceptance".


    so it's begun...  B)

    AHHHHH!!!!GAAHAHHHH!!! OH MY GOSH! Congrats!!!! You're officially the first acceptance post! Please tell us what country! We must document these things! For reasons!

  9. I have not read through all the past forums and am curious - do all countries notify by post or do many also do it by email? 


    Hoping we all hear good news!


    Starting last year or the year before, all or most countries notify by email.  From what I've seen, you'll receive an email with either P (Principle- YAY!), A (Alternate---eeekk more waiting), or NS (Not Selected... :( :( ) in the subject line, and then a full letter in the email.

  10. 1- Mom: Maybe in a few years. I'm not qualified yet. Haven't earned that Mrs. degree yet and not settling for anything else

    2- Horse trainer:  Nope.  Not qualified. I trained my own horse though. But I like money and I don't want to be doing it when I'm 40 and can't heal as easily.

    3- Reaserch oriented accounting professor: That is my goal as of now.  Not qualified yet, but hopefully in 5 or 6 years  I will be...

    4- Arwen from Lord of the Rings: Not qualified.  Only human.  But who doesn't want to be a sword wielding elf princess and marry Aragorn?


    Are you me?! ...Seriously...sub "accounting" for "psyc" and "trained my own horse" for "helped someone train their horse"... and we are twin not-quite-Arwens....

  11. I personally have two bottles of scotch under my bed... so maybe I'll make my own happy/sad box soon as well. TMI?

    Anyway, for everyone anxious that it's been TWO WHOLE DAYS with no updates... As someone who went through this process last year I can assure you that it doesn't really mean anything in either direction. My friends who received ETA and research Fulbrights last year heard as late as the end of April, but none earlier than the third week of March or so. We have to keep in mind that these applications and approvals have to go through A LOT of hands before the final offers can be made. Everyone who has sat on a committee or honestly been in a regular ol' office meeting knows how much chatter goes on before any action is actually taken, haha.


    So, while the website might reflect Fulbright's IDEAL timeline it doesn't necessarily mean that the dates are very concrete. Honestly, I will be really surprised (pleasantly so!) if anyone on this forum hears by the end of this week. Things will likely begin to trickle in next week, with a sharp increase in notifications in the third and fourth weeks of March. 

    Good luck to everyone! Let's all try to relax (as much as we can, at least). 


    Scotch as a contingency plan... Excellent.  And If I get funded, I'll go directly to Scotland for a celebration Scotch (3 hours by train from my research location---WOO!). Anyway, thanks for the pep talk! You're awesome! This is going to be your successful year---I believe it!



    Now that things are really almost getting underway, I may have spent way too much time last night reading last year's thread. So exciting to read about the applications that got funded! And even through the heartache of those that weren't, there was so much camaraderie along with the exchange of words of wisdom. I look forward to cheering folks on -- best of luck & good spirits to all as announcements start to come out later this month! :-)

    Yes! I highly recommend reading the 2014-2015 thread to anyone wondering about timelines and notifications and stuff.  Thanks for the well-wishes! Hugs and luck all around!


    While I'm playing the waiting game with everyone else, it's nice to think that someone (or several someone's) read our applications and believed in what we had to say, and why we want this, and recommended us for a grant. Best of luck to everyone!

    Yes! It really is an honor (honour---I'm practicing), isn't it? Cheers!

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