26 -
Everything posted by JK3223
I am not sure where I ranked. I was about half a point over the "approved for funding" cutoff in a group that had a cutoff around 15.00. I imagine I was close, but I am not sure. I only applied to TT positions for practice and to get into the habit--and landed a US R1 and a Canadian dream school ABD! Of course, I would be turning the SSHRC money down if it were offered to me and instead making the postdoc project my inaugural research plan. Edit: I should say I was committee 6.
Hey everyone, I came back to say that I whiffed on all five postdoctoral fellowships I applied to (including this one), but received multiple tenure track offers at schools I hold in high regard. Don't lose hope! The Canadian funding system is exceptionally fickle and opaque.
What I do not understand is why SSHRC had a clear system for many years that every applicant knew and understood (x number of awards, given to the top y number of applicants, here is your rank out of the total applicants) into something more opaque. It's really disappointing.
I scored mid 15, and the cutoff was a low 15. However I was not funded. Has anyone ever seen that before? I'm incredibly confused how I could score over .4 higher than the lowest funded application and not receive an award.
I think they locked it down. Hope it wasn’t because of the forum hahaha...
Look forward to auto-refreshing with all of you in February, 2022.
Congrats! Best of luck in your interview!
SSHRC has two reviewers, and if their scores differ too much (say, 10 points, but I can't remember what the number is) a third score will also be given. Just FYI if anyone was wondering about their process.
Every @ they get seems to be from conspiracy theorists lol.
It could very well be a browser thing but it's impossible to know.
You are all stars to me ❤️
They might just hit the send button at end of day. I wouldn't blame them honestly seeing as it is such a consequential application and likely get flooded with messages and things after announcements.
Go to your profile, on the left sidebar click grants. Right above application ID and application type there are a few buttons. Right next to download files to the right there is a dropdown menu. Click on that and you should be able to see the score. Sorry to add fuel to the anxiety fire everyone!
Nothing like an anxious grad student refreshing scores to find something like this ;). I wonder about mine because it seems to imply it was either only reviewed once or I got multiple scores the same, because the differential is 0.
I did a bit more digging, and in the menu that tells us we are in phase one, you can also bring out your review score. Anyone know what they are scored out of?
Mine says the same thing. I'm not sure it means anything yet. I think all we can guess is that they likely haven't posted the results, however they will do that.
@bluesnow, where does it say that? As far as mine says it just says "submitted" Edit: Nevermind, found it. It's under the profile section.
Hey all, also an applicant also still waiting. Best of luck, and remember, it's only one application in a long string of applications!
Committee 7521- Literature and Fine Arts
Just saw some notes on scores. I got the Bombardier with a 14.5 / 20 if this helps figure out where the barometers are.
Hope you are all staying safe and well. I have been following this thread the whole time, and I feel for everyone. I got my e-mail to sign up yesterday, and got the results today. Got the CGS (D)!!!!!!!! at 11:07 central time today. I am at a Quebec university, applying from my first year of the PhD. On a side note: I feel for everyone who gets rejected. This is my third sshrc application, and I have made several FRQ applications that have been rejected, including this year. Always remember this is not an ultimate judgment on your research. I know I had to hear that a few times <3.
Congrats on the Hunter interviews. If I didn't get one probably means I'm out? Or does it go in batches?
I look at Doig, Bacon, and Guston the most but I'm not sure I paint like any of them. Angela Dufrense and Spencer Finch have been maybe the most influential.
First on waitlist for Concordia. And to who asked, I haven't heard from Hunter.
What does the slideroom name change mean? My Hunter college slideroom was changed to MFA 2015 - Painting. Does it just indicate that your work is being looked at?