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2015 Fall
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Duns Eith reacted to a post in a topic: Decisions 2015!
Same here, especially if anyone is going to be in London or Oxford!
Turned down funded offers from CUNY and Syracuse. Good luck to anyone that might help and everyone else!
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: Decisions 2015!
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: The Final Week: Who are you still waiting on?
I'm waiting on Penn. I've been accepted to CUNY with funding off the waitlist and am weighing that vs. LSE. Still totally lost! Any thoughts greatly appreciated
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: Advice on accepting offers: are we doing it wrong?
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: Advice on accepting offers: are we doing it wrong?
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: Your thoughts on where to accept?
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: Accepted Oxford BPhil Fall 2015 Thread
Sorry to report that I believe only about 1/4 - 1/3 of those accepted for the BPhil get funding. Good luck to you both!
Just want to say thanks to everyone who's weighed in! In fact my own leaning has been Penn if I get in off the waitlist, and LSE otherwise, so it's really good to hear that corroborated. @DontFly: I'm with you, and it's one of the main reasons I'm hesitant about LSE; much of the point of me doing a philosophy PhD is to get a deep and rounded philosophy education, and LSE seems like it can't offer that to the same degree as US programs. @Gnothi: thanks for this. The funding package is pretty generous, so I think I'd be able to survive okay even in the hellishly expensive SE england. Any other thoughts about LSE? did you like your time there? @qualiafreak: thanks for this! Unfortunately I can't visit any of the places--part of the reason I asked this question is that it's so hard to judge without doing so. In the end I'm just really happy to have offers at all--this whole process is such a drag--so wherever I end up I'll be happy, but I do wish I could visit to make it less of a blind decision. Everything I've learned about the UConn program is very positive, I have to say, I'll certainly let you know if I decline it! @overoverover: Ill keep you posted. Really hope you get in somewhere, and UConn seems like a really great spot. @Nastasya: Sorry to say I can't weigh in on yours, either. Good luck wherever you decide! Thanks again to all. I'm curious too that no one's mentioned CUNY--is it because it doesn't fit with my interests? Or are there other reasons?If anyone has any further comments/thoughts/advice I'd appreciate anything. Such a hard decision to make, and so little to go on.
starting a new thread for this in case anyone else would like to ask this question! I'm looking for some blunt advice/thoughts on which of my offers I should accept. I know better than to take any advice I get on the internet too seriously, and also know that many factors I can't express on here ought to be given a lot of weight. So I promise to take anything you say with many a grain of salt. Nonetheless, at this stage I'm still very unsure of where to go, and I would appreciate hearing what others have to say on the matter. I'm accepted at: UConn, Syracuse, and the London School of Economics (LSE), all of these with full funding. The LSE program is 4 years, and teaching requirements for 3 of those years. The teaching requirements at Syracuse and UConn are for every year. I'm on the waitlist at: UPenn and CUNY. My interests are in ethics and metaphysics. I'm especially curious if anyone has thoughts on the nature of accepting the LSE offer over the US ones, but I'd love any opinions anyone has on the other schools I've mentioned. Which would you accept? Thanks so much in advance!
Thanks for the info! Much appreciated. Any chance I could ask you to elaborate on what you see as the reasons they are forced to dip into their waitlist? If it's not too forward then I suppose a similar question would be why you didn't attend yourself. Understand if you don't want to answer though!
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: 2015 Acceptance Thread
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: 2015 Acceptance Thread
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: 2015 Acceptance Thread
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: 2015 Acceptance Thread
Hi riverstyx. I heard that I'm on the waitlist, and the email made it sound as though the waitlist itself is already decided. I don't want to say for sure (you should email them to ask). And I'm so sorry to be the bearer of (what is probably) bad news.
Hey Reixis. Thanks for this. And sure, my AOI is ethics/pol. philosophy. And anyone else has info on the CUNY waitlist i'd love to hear it!
Hi all, first off thanks to everyone for all the helpful information; I've been mostly lurking but felt a lot less alone in this whole gruelling process because of this board. I'm waitlisted at CUNY and UPenn. Does anyone have an idea of my chances of getting a funded place? I haven't got a clue. The reason I ask is because in my home country (I have US citizenship though) the deadlines for acceptance of places are different, and I'd like to start planning what I do next year. It would really help me out if I had some idea of whether I should count on getting a place, or rather assume I didn't and take it as a very lucky coincidence if it turns out I do. Thanks!
"Breakdown of Programs by Specialties" PGR published in full
jeremy_13 replied to ianfaircloud's topic in Philosophy
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but how should I weigh rankings in my area of interest VS overall rankings, when it comes to placement records? All else equal, would it be better for placement to take a school ranked below #30 in my AOI but above #15 overall, or below #30 overall and above #15 in my AOI? -
Hey everyone I have a question. How does onerespond to acceptance emails at this stage, when one still isn't sure where one wants to go? Reply and thank them? do nothing? It feels weird... also: congrats to you ineedwine!
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: 2015 Acceptance Thread
I haven't received news from CUNY. I guess in light of your post that means the odds are they haven't sent them all out yet (darn).
reixis reacted to a post in a topic: 2015 Waitlist Thread
jeremy_13 reacted to a post in a topic: 2015 Waitlist Thread
right, my reasoning too, though the alternative, of course, is that they simply released the waitlists later. Will keep you posted if I have any info! we're in different areas so, since the waitlist appears to be by interest, we shouldn't be in competition anyway. Very best of luck with the rest of your results!
thanks a lot. Though, it seems from that wording that those offers don't include the waitlst, don't you think? or do you think they do?