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Posts posted by Chrysippus'Doge

  1. 1 hour ago, Schwarzwald said:

    do believe it is analytic, contained within the word, suffering, that one inherently not condone it.

    This is just a misunderstanding of the meaning of analytic: There is nothing in the definition of suffering that says people can't condone it. What about sadists? What about the suffering of people like Hitler or Pol Pot? There are myriad examples of times when someone may condone suffering. But for example there are, BY DEFINITION, no married bachelors. That's why "no one condones sufferings" is not analytic and "all bachelors are unmarried" is. 


    And I gotta say Schwarz, although I'm really sympathetic to your desire to justify the study philosophy, I think in the course of your argument you've ended up parodying the very discipline you were trying to defend! Because isn't that one of the issues that the detractors of philosophy (and many philosophers too!) often highlight? That no amount of linguistic or conceptual analysis will ever be able to answer empirical questions? And the questions in this thread at the moment are pretty much empirical: How much suffering is there? How many people are capable of alleviating this suffering and to what degree? So questions about analyticity are pretty much irrelevant. Perhaps I'm missing some subtlety, in which case feel free to correct me!

  2. <vent>

    Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck I'm probably gonna get shut out then everyone I told I was applying to grad school will know I failed and everyone who told me it was a waste of time will feel vindicated and my dreams will be crushed and damn I just KNOW I would do well if I got in somewhere but so will everyone else and I've been working so hard for this for years but so has everyone else and now it's all for nothing but it's not for nothing for everyone else damn damn !! oh Jesus, Joseph, Mary, and St. Jude, what am I going to do?


    Nobody said it was easy
    No one ever said it would be this hard



  3. 31 minutes ago, quinnp said:

    Thank you! It was not like an informal email from a POI, if that is what you mean, since as I said, the email was from Mitchell Green, who is the Director of Graduate Studies. But he listed some faculty and programs that may be of particular interest to me given my AOIs, so I guess that would classify it as a personalized generic email.

    Right right, that makes sense. Thanks for the info!

  4. 6 hours ago, quinnp said:


    Sorry I was that weird poster! I received an email from Mitchell Green last Sunday. It's strange not to have seen anyone else on gradcafe claim another UConn acceptance. I guess they must have been very quietly excited, like me.

    Oh nice congrats! It looks like their acceptances can be pretty spread out so maybe you were just the first! Was the e-mail generic or personal? 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Siegfried42 said:

    Do you guys think Notre Dame is finished yet? I only see 5 posts today (they said they'd admit 15-20) but the other one's might just not be on here?

    Hard to say... in 2014 looks like about 10 posted during the first round of acceptances (and some posted the second day if that means anything), in 2015 I only see 2. I don't think it's unreasonable to hold out hope for another day though. 

  6. So I'll try my hand here, though it's been a wee bit since I've looked at counterfactual semantics. I think S is being used to represent a particular sphere around the index i... Which is just all those indexes which fall within a given "distance" from i. So I don't think it's a function or a generic formulae but rather a set of indices, which would explain why we see it used like 'Ǝj ∈ S'. This just says: "There exists an index in S s.t." yada yada yada. Which answers the second question: I think j,k, etc. are just additional variables for indices. Thus j makes true or false propositions represented by variable A,B etc., which is abbreviated to j ╞ A, j  ╡B respectively. 

    So I guess then as far as #3 is concerned, did you mean why must A be made false at k for A □→ B to hold? Or am I missing the point...

  7. 1 hour ago, FoxAndChicken said:

    Ohmygosh. What happened here? Eep. I took a law and philosophy course last semester that talked about race discrimination in academia, and had to deal with a lot of people throwing around these types of arguments. If anecdotal evidence is fair game, as it appears that that is the trend, here's mine: 

    I'm half mexican, and my dad is an immigrant. I grew up unable to communicate with about half of my family, and I lived in a trailer park for the first eight years of my life before moving to a small apartment in a town where I was the only Mexicanish Latinaish person--in sixth grade people asked if I brushed my hair because I was the only one who had curly hair. At fourteen I decided to get a job, and I coded websites for ten dollars an hour while eating only ramen so that I could attend private school. I financed this entirely myself. Parental supervision wasn't super big because my mom is a cosmetologist who owns a small business, so she wasn't really home when I was growing up. Then, in college, I have worked three jobs for the past several years while living in an apartment made for one person with my dad and uncle. Sophomore year the university screwed up my financial aid and froze my account, so I couldn't register for classes and I stopped eating in order to make payments. I dropped to 104 lbs (for reference, this was a decrease of about twenty pounds), and pulled several all nighters. Because I'm a first generation college student (my mom didn't complete high school) I dealt with all of this while hearing things from my mom like "If it *really* mattered to you, you would just have a 4.0." and "Please help your sister with scheduling, but make sure she takes useful classes, not the crap you're taking." (I'm paying for college, I take the classes I want.) Now, senior year, I'm probably going to be shut out of graduate school, I'm going to find a job and reapply. And I know that if I had the amount of time to focus on my studies that many of my peers get (and they seem to have a lot of time to go out and drink and party), I could actually have a 4.0 and a stellar writing sample and a perfect GRE score. (I actually did get a 4.0 last semester.) Instead, I balance three jobs, leadership positions in Women in Math, I volunteer with a group that helps get more students interested in mathematics, and I'm taking six classes. (So basically, I pull a couple all nighters per week and drink coffee two to four times a day.) 

    And if I don't get into graduate school, my response isn't going to be to complain that the system seems to hate me. Instead, I'm going to work harder to be an applicant they want to accept.  

    This is really inspirational. I wish you nothing but success this application season, sounds like you absolutely earned it. 

    (Also, don't worry about those idiots in your math commons. They sound more like first year engineering students than mathematicians).

  8. /r/askphilosophy is probably the best place as far as discussion goes, but the fact that all posts have to be questions can at times be limiting. /r/philosophy is pretty hit or miss. Some of the posts are nonsense, but there is quality content there. It's kind of up to you to separate the wheat from the chaff. It's true the discussion can be pretty bad because the posts get inundated with people who know nothing about philosophy, but the Weekly Discussion series that were running are actually high quality and oftentimes experts will join in the discussion. /r/academicphilosophy is more focused on the profession and is pretty dead. 

  9. I'm beginning to wonder if my applications even got to departments. I mean, I know they did because it says so on the websites... but for all the feedback I've gotten, I might as well not have even applied. In short, I'm losing my damn mind.

  10. 22 minutes ago, jacbarcan said:

    I'm going to write an official blog post soon and post this also in the acceptance and blog threads, but I've asked a fellow applicant to collaborate with me on the blog. This person's role would be to call universities at appropriate times and check on the status of decisions. We hope that by doing this we can alleviate some stress on the applicant side as well as on the side of professors, grad students, or administrators in philosophy departments, the latter by reducing the amount of applicants calling and emailing. 

    We never before have done this and it is possible it won't work. If it seems to cause too much trouble, my collaborator may withdraw from the role. 

    Please let us know how you feel about this and whether or not you think we should continue with this option.



    That would be tremendous. You are a rockstar.

  11. 11 hours ago, designer peirce said:


    One of those is mine. I got an email at around 10:00am yesterday (Monday), but it contained limited information, as the official letter is apparently on its way. I'm arranging to talk to my contact about the program on Friday, but all I know from the wording so far is that some sort of stipend might be involved. (Super stoked....)

    Thanks for the information! Congratualtions!


    11 hours ago, FoxAndChicken said:

    Does that mean there's still hope for us maybe? :wacko:

    I wouldn't give up hope quite yet, even though CMU's a tiny department. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself...

  12. 33 minutes ago, psm1580b said:

    It looks like Irvine released a few different department's acceptances today, including LPS (HPS is within their Logic and Philosophy of Science department, separate from philosophy). There was one HPS post from Irvine today. 


    And my email is sadly empty. :(

    Wait really?! I don't see anything on the results page...


    Edit: Never mind, I see it. Kind of strange though given that it's the only one...

  13. 10 hours ago, 7-11 Coffee said:

    Congrats Panpsychist!


    Has anyone heard from Oxford? 

    Oxford may yet be a few weeks, seeing as their deadline was Jan. 8th, and they said to allow 8-10 weeks to hear back. But ya know, maybe that's just for rejections, and acceptances hear sooner?

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