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    2015 Fall
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    Speech Language Pathology

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  1. I know that Texas Woman's has Summer and Fall, but not spring. Also, Tennessee State has online/ distance, and that application is due July 1st, but only on even years. Hope that helps!
  2. Same. Getting a head start on applying to spring schools.
  3. Yes, mine was submitted April 29 I think, but all my recs and transcript didn't get in until May 4. I'm not sure, but I believe it was way before the May deadline. Let's hope we haven't heard yet because they just haven't gotten to us yet!
  4. I am still waiting and also very anxious. I know someone who got in this week. My application wasn't complete until the beginning of May, and my status didn't say it was under review until last week. So I am hoping this just means they are going in order of when people submitted. Fingers crossed!
  5. So there are still people who have not heard? They will notify people at different times?
  6. I am also on the waitlist! I would love to call but the email we got made it sound like they don't have a ranked list and don't want emails about it? Also, I saw that two years ago people were hearing from the waitlist in May, so there is still hope! Good luck to everyone!
  7. Wow that makes me feel so much better. So I am sure they will send out a lot of acceptances after the 15th. It's like a waitlist but more of a ranked list. Thank you!
  8. For people who got accepted the first round at Texas State: any idea when they will send out more acceptances? What date did they ask you to reply by? Thanks!
  9. Hi! I may be in the same boat. I still have four schools to hear from about waitlist, but I am definetly in the same position. Since you only applied to Texas schools, I'm assuming you're from Texas like me. I know UT Pan American and Texas A&M Kingsville have spring admissions as well. Also, my professor told me that what I could do for UT Dallas is call them and ask them to put my application in their Spring cycle and if I could pay a fee. I personally think I would change my essay and recs a little though but you can ask about that possiblity! Also I know a little bit about UCF. It is the biggest program in the country apparently and so their spring cohort would probably take a lot of applicants! I almost went there for undergrad and loved the campus. And same with App State, so those are keepers. Hang in there you are not alone
  10. Thank you so much for letting me know. It sounds like they will probably have a second round, because if I didn't make the first round I assume I would have gotten an email saying I will not be having an interview. Also to others wondering, I have also not heard from UTD or UNT. I know UNT sent out a first round last year and then kept reviewing applicants. No news is not bad news!
  11. I am seeing people posting from Lamar and I haven't heard anything. Did those who got accepted have an interview? Did anyone not hear about an interview or anything at all?
  12. I also didn't get into SFA! When I visited they told me that mostly everyone in their program did their undergrad at SFA. Did anyone apply/ hear from Lamar yet?
  13. When did you and your friend hear?
  14. This is good to know because I still haven't heard. I saw some people reported results for TCU, do you think that is the same situation that they already called everyone and are waiting to hear back from the students?
  15. I heard we would hear back from email around next week but I'm not sure. I am also applying to UNT and UTD do you know how they will let us know?
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