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Everything posted by KB27

  1. So I just graduated from a state school with a 2.7. I was fortunate to receive a fulbright grant for this upcoming year and am currently thinking about my future after the grant ends. I have found a grad program that I am very interested in and have a lot of relevant professional and volunteer experience in the field, however the 3.0 requirement is making me really hesitant to apply. I'm just wondering if anyone has any input on if the fulbright combined with my professional experience will likely be able to make up for that .3 difference.
  2. Hey guys, I know this has probably been answered a few times already but how long does it usually take to get the grant authorization document? I received my grant around April 30th and have turned in all the other documents and received my medical clearance so I'm just curious as to when I should be getting that
  3. Hey guys! I just stumbled upon this a few minutes ago during a frenzied search for any sort of notification day estimates and I have to say, it is nice to know there are so many people who understand the struggle right now. I was recommended for an ETA in Georgia and my FPA has told me that all she could find out about their usual notification dates was that it will probably be sometime between today and May 15th (aka the day before I graduate aka CUE ALL OF THE STRESS CRYING.) I was just wondering if there were any other Georgia hopefuls out there and if you guys had received any better/more specific/less panic inducing info
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