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Everything posted by Katia_chan

  1. Thanks for checking that out; I was afraid that might be the case, but I at least wanted to ask. Thought about dropping an ap in anyway, in response to the above comment about them taking late aps, but somehow I think over a month late would be too much for even a really laid-back department. But at least I have another school on the list for next year, in case this round doesn't work out. Thanks again for looking!
  2. I don't want to snag the thread, and will make this a very quick question, but since there are a few here who know about the Oxford program, I wanted to ask. I was looking at one of the other MSTs, the 650-1550, and from what I understood from the website, for some reason that deadline is not until March 12. I believe the exact wording was "The deadline for all periods is Jan 22, save for medieval, which is Mar 12." [paraphrased as little as possible when coming from memory.] I have very bad vision, and the list of deadlines on the "about applications" page is printed in a very graphics-oriented format, so I just wanted to know if anyone knew if that late of a deadline was possible for 650, or if I just misread completely. That statement was on the english website, I'm almost sure. I will also Email the program, but I thought if I could save myself looking like a dolt who doesn't pay attention to deadlines, I'd give it a try To the OP, I really hope you get in! I haven't done school in Oxford, but I've visited, and it is one of my favorite places. Best of luck to you!
  3. Hey, I'm just going for Purdue, not Bloomington, so I hope to just slip in somewhere unnoticed, especially since you're right, and everyone's qualifications are making me worry! Best of luck to everyone...just leave me a little corner somewhere?
  4. I'm applying there as well, but more for medieval lit, with pretty decent scores [let's not look at the math]. Good luck!
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