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Posts posted by missmusical

  1. still on the waitlist for a clinical PhD program! I assume the person holding the offer is waitlisted for another school higher up on their list and is waiting to hear back from them. I can't wait another week ?

    I also applied to the Penn State Harrisburg Masters in applied clinical psych at the last minute. Was told they still had spots open and I'd hear back from them within a week or two (this was 2 weeks ago, of course). Anyone have any insight about that program?

  2. 36 minutes ago, Biopsychosocialyzing said:

    I think it will depend on the financial aid... I am not sure it’s worth it to take out loans? Especially since you mentioned it’s an expensive program. Would you be able to strengthen your CV equally without being in a MA program and taking out all that money? It’s hard to say but I truly hope your waitlist works out! 

    Let's say I decide to go but am never accepted into a PhD program afterwards. Are there research jobs out there requiring a master's that pay well enough to reasonably justify taking out loans? I know research associates don't make much more than research assistants, at least from the searching I've done. And those jobs require masters degrees. 

  3. Hi all,

    I was rejected for the Catholic University of America clinical PhD program but was offered a spot in their MA psychological science program. Although it's not clinical, they bragged that all of their masters students who applied to PhD programs (including clinical) this year received offers. Is it worth it for me to accept their offer and try to reapply to clinical PhD programs in the future? Or will this not make me a more competitive candidate? 

    I'm waiting to hear back about financial aid because this program is very expensive, as is the cost of living in DC. I'm worried that they already awarded all of their available scholarships/assistantships to those who applied directly to the masters program back in January ? 

    Still hoping that I get in to UNC Greensboro (clinical PhD) off of the waitlist.

  4. 1 hour ago, Biopsychosocialyzing said:

    y'all this waitlist limbo is driving me insane... when will things start moving ;) 

    Feel this so much! I'll bet people with offers are waiting to hear back from other programs or are also waitlisted themselves. Presumably things should start moving in the next few weeks as the schools with later interviews (I know my friend interviewed at Northwestern last week) send out their admission updates. 

  5. 20 hours ago, shouldhavebeenagoatfarmer said:

    I’m irriationally checking my junk email inbox  *just in case* so much so that I’m now getting lovely ads in my normal inbox. And of course my heart bungee jumps each time it sees a new email come in only to be asked if I want to invest in an ED pill. 

    The WORST thing is some schools already put you on their grad student newsletter or send you info about upcoming events before they've even made admissions decisions so you get a heart attack every time you see their name pop up

  6. For those of you who have completed a masters prior to applying for clinical PhDs, did you receive an MA/MS in clinical psychology or general psychology? Going off this list of programs someone provided: https://clinicalpsychphd.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/funded-psychology-masters-programs/

    and it seems only a select few are actually masters in clinical psych. What other masters psych programs do research and prep you for a PhD in clinical psych?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Psych1999 said:

    I emailed my POI last week and he informed me I was at the top of his waitlist. I am thinking that the person accepted on 2/8 is his initial offer. Otherwise, I have not seen or heard anything else and when I contacted him, he did not mention if the department was done sending out offers.

    Who is your poi if you don’t mind? You can DM if you don’t want to post here :) 

  8. 1 minute ago, PhD1Day said:

    Have you heard anything from OU?

    I reached out to my POI expressing that I was still interested and requested an admissions update. This was on Tuesday and I haven't heard back. Not sure if he missed my email, if they're still deliberating, still have to go through all that red tape, etc. 

  9. 1 minute ago, FingersCrossed58 said:

    This may have already been talked about but does anyone have advice or a template on what to write to a PI to follow up after an interview? I was told I'd hear about her decisions this week but haven't heard anything yet

    Someone shared this with me:

    Dear Dr. XXVV,

     Thank you again for the opportunity to interview at Ohio University a few weeks ago. I remain very interested in the program and would greatly appreciate any updates regarding my application status!  Thank you,

    your name

    But I would wait until a solid 2/3 weeks until after the final interview date to follow up and ask for an update.

  10. 25 minutes ago, caffeinated_n_stressed said:

    Hi everyone! I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I was accepted to a program which is requiring a deposit by March 1st. However, I still have a few more ongoing interviews before I'm able to make any final decisions. I was able to get an extension for the deposit date to March 15th, but am just confused given the April 15th national deadline? I appreciate any clarity anyone can provide. ?

    1st off, congrats!! Where were you accepted?

    2nd, that seems super sketchy! Have you mentioned the April 15th deadline to them and did they say why they pushed it forward? How. much is the deposit? Part of me wants to tell you to pay the fee and risk losing it if you get a better offer

  11. 1 hour ago, Maybe2021 said:

    For those of you who received invites from St. John's, when is interview day? I haven't heard anything from them yet and wondering if I should assume a rejection is coming my way soon :)

    it's more like interview week. i have an interview with one faculty member tomorrow and another friday. there are more clinic tours and Q&As next week as well I want to say

  12. 19 minutes ago, DrApple said:

    I think it's fine to reach out to politely inquire about your status and express your continued interest in the program. I would not assume rejection until you actually get notification of rejection. It is more likely that you are on a waitlist. Unfortunately, for reasons I do not understand, some programs do not notify applicants that they are on a waitlist. But if you reach out about your status, they will hopefully let you know that. something simple like this -

    Dear Dr. XXVV,

     Thank you again for the opportunity to interview at Ohio University a few weeks ago. I remain very interested in the program and would greatly appreciate any updates regarding my application status!  Thank you,

    your name

    Well... I did it haha. Let's see what happens. Thanks for the advice! :)

  13. interviewed with Ohio University a few weeks back. Prof said I'd hear back probably by Monday of last week. I saw someone posted that they got accepted around that time. At what point can I email the professor and ask for an update? I am very much assuming rejection at this point so I don't know if it's even worth emailing him but what do I have to lose? 

  14. 12 minutes ago, DrApple said:

    Here's a link to a list of Psych Master's programs. If you definitely want to pursue a PhD, you can complete a Psych Sciences master's program to get more research experience. Some programs have clinical faculty you can work with on research. Clinical Psych Masters programs are intense because for some you have to do a thesis, plus clinical courses, plus clinical training hours.



    Thank you so much! I do have a lot of research experience already (3 years full-time plus an additional 1.5 years part-time). Unfortunately, I only have a few under review or drafted manuscripts, which POIs may consider insufficient given the amount of time I've been a research assistant. I am hoping a research-heavy masters program will give my ample opportunities to to publish and present (an absurd amount of red tape at my current job that made it almost impossible to get any poster presentations or writing done... I more or less had to beg). 

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