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Posts posted by missmusical

  1. Some schools (like arizona state) provide you with a working university gmail account upon submission of your application. Should I be checking this email for interview invites and general admissions updates? Or will faculty use the email from our applications as a point of contact? 

  2. got my first (hopefully not only) pre-interview for FIU! They said that it's typical practice for this program to do an initial interview and then select a smaller group of applicants for another round of interviews. For those who haven't received informal or 'pre' interviews with other programs, don't put too much thought into it. This process depends on the preferences of the POI/program and isn't necessarily an indication as to whether or not you'll receive a formal interview. I got three interviews last year but didn't have any previous communication with the PI (other than the initial pre-application outreach, of course). So don't lose hope. Hopefully, more interview requests come rolling in for all of us ??

  3. Can I contact professors asking about the amount of research experience they look for in prospective PhD students? Or would it be better to contact admissions offices? Can they tell me about the average stats of admitted students? I know I can find median GRE and GPA scores online but can I ask about the other criteria (i.e. years of research experience and other extra curriculars)?

  4. Just saw what you added about finding it humiliating to stay home ... No one said you have to stay home! Go do your year off in a research lab at an ivy league if you'd like.

    I will definitely go off and do research at a university. what i meant is that it would feel embarrassing to not have a grad school decision when all my friends do. but I admit that is a silly thought

  5. I agree. I wouldn't keep getting degrees without a very clear career goal in mind. You already have way more music coursework then you need for psych grad school so the masters will not improve your application much. On the other hand, you lack research so full time research will improve your application a ton. If you want a PhD in psych then I would think that you would be excited to do research full time anyway. You would get a preview of what the next 5+ years of your life will entail.


    Also, throughout the masters you probably wont have as much time to do psych research as you think. Your degree will be demanding without research in a different field. I also think that psych admissions committees would think that you didn't have a clear goal so you were just trying to stay in school.

    I have a clear goal. But I guess being in school for the sake of being in school and maintaining my pride is a bit of a waste. I admit the thought of being home while all of my friends go off to grad school is humiliating. But I should swallow my pride. Delayed the gratification. I'm a psych major; i should know better :P

  6. I have a suggestion for you, if you want to get a masters first, why not pursue a music therapist masters degree? You would still be in academia, and be able to conduct research; however, instead of moving out of the career field for research, you may be able to merge the two. Your application would have more flow and professional consistency.  If this idea is appealing, you can find out more about it here: http://www.musictherapy.org/

    another issue is that I don't play piano or guitar and both are necessary to audition into a music therapy masters program

  7. I have a suggestion for you, if you want to get a masters first, why not pursue a music therapist masters degree? You would still be in academia, and be able to conduct research; however, instead of moving out of the career field for research, you may be able to merge the two. Your application would have more flow and professional consistency.  If this idea is appealing, you can find out more about it here: http://www.musictherapy.org/

    would it still be plausible to pursue a PhD in clinical afterwards?

  8. I need more research experience to have even a shot of getting in to competitive Clinical Psych PhD programs. I recently added psych to my double degree program (now pursuing BA in psych and a BM in french horn performance) which is why I am behind on extra psych credentials (i.e research experience and community service). Instead of a gap year (I graduate next year), I was thinking of getting the masters of music education at the school I currently attend. While there, I could probably also get a lot of research experience in the psychology labs at my college while working on my music ed masters (This degree would also give me more career options should clinical psychology not work out). Would it look bad on my PhD applications if I get an unrelated masters degree before applying? I can probably get a lot of scholarship for the music Ed program so for now lets factor the extra costs out of the equation

  9. I only recently figured out what I want to do with my life. I have one year left of undergrad. I'm double degree: music and psychology. So I intend on applying for programs for Fall 2016. Is it too late to start prepping for my GREs? Is only giving myself 3 or 4 months to prep sufficient?

  10. I am preparing to apply to Clinical Psychology PhD programs for fall of 2016. I didn't actually add the psychology degree in until a few years ago. I am a double degree student now. Because I only recently figured out what I want to do with my life, my research experience and "relevant clinical community service" is lacking. I am signed up to work with a professor in their psych lab the coming semester but I doubt that 6 months of lab work is enough to beef up my application. I have a little experience as a lab assistant for honors psych students but this will be my first teacher led lab assistance work. Is it useless for me to apply to PhD programs? Or are there some PhD programs I have a shot at getting into. I am not too interested in PsyD programs. My GPA is 3.6 and I'm currently prepping for GREs. Do I need to take a gap year in order to gain more research experience? Should I get a masters first in order to beef up my credentials? Do I need to do all this or could I possibly get into a Clinical PhD program with my current credentials?

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