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Everything posted by Bioenchilada

  1. I don't really remember how many people interviewed with me at Dartmouth, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. Cornell BBS was a relatively small cohort though.
  2. I believed they said the acceptance rate was 50-60% when I interviewed. I saw that you applied to Cornell's BBS program. I really liked the people and the program structure, so I hope you get an interview from there as well. They were very flexible about their acceptance rate, given that they told me that the amount of people they accept depends on the cohort. So, it can go from 0-100%, though this has never happened of course lol (I'd say it's probably around the same as Dartmouth's or maybe a little higher, realistically speaking)
  3. Harvard sends all their invites today until 5, though it seems they are going alphabetically.
  4. That varies per school and per program. I think Harvard BBS and Penn CAMB have a 90% acceptance rate post interview though.
  5. No, that is not something they say. They had their meeting on the 13th, so all apps, in theory, were reviewed by that point. Invites might still be sent out today, I'm not sure. I'd be weird if I called again because the lady and I know each other, so she knows I'm not even an applicant xD
  6. Oooh, that's awesome! Super excited to meet you though <3
  7. Well, they are two different schools with very competitive applicant pools. Maybe you matched more with what Yale looks for. In the end, the difference in strength of the cancer biology programs across these two schools is essentially negligible. Also, by getting into I assume you got an interview.
  8. I did. More interviews were sent today, and they may even be sent tomorrow and earlier next week. If you don't hear back by Tuesday, then you essentially know what happened.
  9. I mean, sometimes taking that long on your degree will put you on track for a better, and sometimes even shorter, postdoc. The extra time will give time to grow as a scientist and expand your network. In fact, I've heard that short PhD's tend to lead to much longer postdocs lol
  10. I would wait until you get a Weill Cornell invite before telling anyone about a conflict, given that it's not particularly wise to assume you're going to get an invite. It takes extensive planning to effectively conduct an interview weekend, so Penn might want to hear from you about your professors of interest before Christmas. Telling them earlier might be beneficial for you since you would be first pick to be interviewed by these profs. If I were you, I'd accept the invite and plan as if you didn't count on Cornell until they get back to you. If they do, then you could message either of the schools to work conflicts out. I told Michigan that I had a conflict on all their dates and they worked with me to figure them out. As someone said earlier, if a school is not willing to work things out with you, they don't want you enough lol Also, unless it's your last choice, try not to do Skype interviews, it takes away a lot from the interviewing experience.
  11. They should keep sending out invites throughout this week, based on what I was told.
  12. They're still sending. I was told they would keep sending until tomorrow or early next week.
  13. When I applied, I heard back today in the afternoon, almost at 4. Maybe they're doing the same this year, or running a little late??
  14. I just called someone in the CAMB office and they told me that not all invites have been sent out. All of the subdivisions still have people that have not been contacted. So, don't give up just yet
  15. Stanford is first week of Jan Harvard should be later this week or early next week.
  16. Did you ask the department to check if they are done sending invites?
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