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Everything posted by Bioenchilada

  1. You should call to tomorrow and see I'm certain they'll be honest about it. My professor is currently not in the adcom, so asking him probably wont help. I must say that I got my invite last year on the 15th, though I don't know if they released any prior to that. Maybe check the results page from last year??
  2. I don't think messaging Katy to send you a rejection as a wise move. I am not sure if invites are sent out by batches. As you can see from this thread, there was a couple hour delay with regards to when people got invites. Just be patient Also, a rejection is not the end of the world.
  3. If you're tactful, you could ask about being moved to the other one.
  4. Haha I was asking which division within CAMB. You could ask if you could be moved weekends I guess, for both schools. It's still pretty early in the game. I had to do that with Dartmouth, and I interviewed on an alternate weekend at University of Michigan.
  5. Different divisions might send invites later in the day. Chiiiill
  6. What program did you apply to? (Within CAMB of course)
  7. Yeah, I'd try to decrease as much conflict as possibly by strategically choosing weekends. Asking for an alternate date should be a last resort. I must clarify that I'm not saying that you should decline interviews if you prefer another school haha Don't rush to accept interview offers, sometimes it's best to way a bit to see if you hear from other places.
  8. I think most schools will tell you if you call. That worked when I was applying.
  9. I'm pretty sure most of you already know this, but make sure to go over all the interview weekends across the schools you applied to before commiting to interview someplace, it'll save you a lot of stress later. Haha
  10. Did you have many choices with respect to interview weekends?
  11. If I remember correctly they're one or two weeks apart. The first one is the 19th-21st, the second one is the weekend of the 4th.
  12. I believe every weekend has the same acceptance rate, so it doesn't really matter when you interview. I think they might try to place you in a weekend when more people from your program, or more faculty are available.
  13. I just signed up to volunteer for the first interview weekend at UPenn, hopefully I meet some of you there
  14. Yes. Meanwhile, I'm in class sick and excited for the Holiday party after that meeting haha In all honesty, I don't think UPenn CAMB invites will come out today, so don't expect to hear back. I got my invite the 15th.
  15. I don't think any of your schools have released interviews yet, so calm down I think you should hear from Penn before friday, if they send invites quickly after the CAMB meeting tomorrow.
  16. Schools don't tell you that you didn't get an interview. In fact, I haven't even heard of schools that will repurpose your declined interview for someone else, but I might be wrong about this, especially with programs that have rolling-like admission/ invite requests. I can't really say when it's okay to actually just move on to another school because that depends on the program. For example, Harvard BBS sends invites on a single day so, if you didn't get an invite, you're done. Other might send them on a rolling basis but I think schools still stick to big batches rather than individual requests. If the interview weekend in less than two weeks away, or even three weeks, and you see that other people have been invited, it is highly likely that you got rejected.
  17. If you are going to do it, call rather than email. However, this won't really make the invites go out any sooner nor ease your anxiety much.
  18. I have not heard anything from the department regarding recruitment. I don't think CAMB has reviewed apps, or at least hasn't extensively done so. The big meeting is scheduled on the 13th according to the google calendar, so you should expect to hear back after that.
  19. Yes. Admissions is typically not on a rolling basis.
  20. December 20th haha I've said this before, but I first heard back on the 9th of December.
  21. I believe you should hear back before New Years for the most part. Most of my invites came before the 20th. Also, why would you get anxious about UPenn if you didn't apply? They are different schools with different admissions processes.
  22. I don't really think it's worth your time and advise against it. Professors are already super busy and they would have to invest time on a student who might not make it through the admissions process, or might not attend the school. They might not even be in the adcom, so it would be out of their power. I would wait until you're invited to interview to email them and tell them you'd like to talk to them.
  23. Interview invites can be sent after hours, indeed haha
  24. Friend just got a Penn invite for pharmacology.
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