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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    PhD, Political Science

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  1. Seconding this, and will finalize my decision to decline this offer soon (also funded, comparative). Hopefully it helps someone on the waitlist.
  2. Toronto is still not out-- I think they will be releasing decisions next week, though.
  3. I assume it's a Trailer Park boys reference?
  4. I read an article about exactly this by someone who studied the grad school admissions process; it seems many departments are also concerned about the ratio of offers accepted to offers made as a metric of performance.
  5. Toronto should be rolling out in the first week of March, based on their past record. Rejections often come later.
  6. I just received a funding offer from LA this afternoon. I'd expect to hear from them soon, if you haven't already (and I will be at visiting weekend).
  7. In at UCSD and UCLA! Whoohoo!
  8. Looking at previous results, it seems UCSD has sent out rejections before acceptances in the past? Fingers crossed, as I'm still to hear from them and I'm 0:2 with 5 to go.
  9. Yep. This was my first decision-- nowhere to go from here but up!
  10. Thanks for the info! Application still says "submitted," but hopefully some official information will come out in the next week.
  11. Anyone claiming that UBC admit?
  12. With no results back yet, and looking at prior years, I'm hoping that we might hear back from Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, in the coming week. Here's hoping!
  13. I applied to 7. I could have opted for lower ranked "safeties" or added unis in cities/departments where I know I wouldn't be happy, but what would the point of that be? If I don't get in somewhere I would actually be happy to go, then there are other cycles. If you have a clear idea of what you want to study, where you would actually attend, and where you could realistically get in, 8 is plenty.
  14. To be fair, I'm pretty sure the Berkeley responses were fake. Nobody has claimed them, some of the notes on the survey seem to target members here, and there are only, what? Three of them?
  15. That feeling when you see you have a new email, get excited, and then it turns out it's just a spammy newsletter.
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