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Everything posted by haltheincandescent

  1. Posted this in the other acceptance thread, but I got one--"official" letter coming later this week, but my interviewer contacted me about it.
  2. Officially will be flying more in the next month than I have in my entire life. Somewhere to visit every weekend this month (except next week), then the first week of March, too! Ah!
  3. Man, I knew I should have taken the Boston Psychoanalysis Institute up on their million and one GRE search service offers! I could already be interpreting these awesomely bizarre dreams.
  4. And the friend got into Berkeley. What a day. (I promised to bring celebratory donuts from the shop that just opened down the street, since we work in the same building in the morning. But: way too excited to fall asleep!!--I hope I make it up in time!!)
  5. Congrats @Pink Fuzzy Bunny!!!! And I got mine from UChicago today! Also with a pretty killer fellowship offer, plus a really nice email from a potential advisor / one of my interviewers. And my boss told me to seriously take whatever time I need for campus visits, so, overall a pretty lovely day.
  6. Nope, an email. And, nothing updated on the site, so far. And, yes! I'll be there--I'm super close, so this one won't even be a problem to schedule around work.
  7. Hey! UChicago: yes! Ohmygosh. I have absolutely no idea what to say--as you can see from my signature, and the number of places to which I applied, I had some confidence issues about getting accepted at all and.....I just don't even know. This is crazy.
  8. Hm. Not I, and no change on the site, either. (Also: why does every program seem to be running early this year?--they told me it'd be around Weds/Thurs during the interview).
  9. Oh god. For my first one: I was asleep. It was like, 11:30 am on MLK day, so I was sleeping in, and was woken up by a phone call from the DGS! I answered, and she was like "Oh! Was this too early, sorry!" She was very nice about it! (I totally fibbed that I had been up for a bit). Hahaha. For the second: I was at happy hour for work--everyone there knows I'm applying, and had actually just been asking me how my interview the other day went. A bit later on, I checked my phone for the time, and.....a new email: an acceptance . (Not from the program I had just interviewed with, but a different one). I sat beaming at my phone for a bit, before sharing the news. . Was nice to already have a celebratory beer! Then, the most recent (the one I had interviewed for, which I thought went fairly poorly) I was sitting in bed, drifting toward the number side of sadness, as I had seen acceptances go up 5 hours earlier, and wait-lists the day before, watching Netflix, when the phone rang. I was almost too excited to speak.
  10. I ended up asking the friend (too worried that our advisor, who I ran into, and who asked me about it, would mention it without realizing he hadn't heard yet, too)--nothing on his side Celebratory wine getting sadder. They are notifying slowly, so I'm remaining convinced that the call is still to come--I'm just more annoyed at this point, at the program, because he's at least as good an applicant and fit as me, and in many ways better. Back to hating this process for being so random and agonizing--I'm just as anxious for him to hear at this point as I was before my first acceptance! Blah. In the meantime, he's a hero as far as patience and support goes--congratulations and a brushing aside of my vicarious-anxiety.
  11. We are pretty close in general, and have als been basically going through the whole process quite closely (meeting with the same advisors, etc.) and he's, at least outwardly, very zen about the whole thing so far, mentioning that he didn't even see the interview we both had as any sort of competition between us, and, on my side, I know that I legitimately wouldn't have cared if he got in and I didn't--though of course I can afford to, since I'd been accepted other places already. I don't know. We both work in the same building, so I'll see him on Tuesday. Definitely hoping that he, like me, is just not announcing his acceptance because I have (at least to his knowledge) not heard back yet. Either that or that they're just calling people over a couple days, instead of all at once--yesterday morning, when I saw acceptances posted, then four hours passed, I was sure I wasn't going to get anything....but then, around the five hour mark, there it was.
  12. ugh, @piglet33. I'm sorry to hear you've been having such a bad day . Here's hoping tomorrow's a better one. -- In the meantime, I'm back to the awkwardness of having applied to (and this time interviewed with) the same programs as one of my best friends: I've heard back, but haven't heard anything from him.... I was complaining to him the other day about how bad my interview went (seriously--plus his report to me on his included much more enthusiasm from the interviewers than I got), worrying that I wouldn't make it in, but now that I did, and he potentially didn't (or at least is still waiting)....I feel shitty. Especially because he still doesn't have any for sure admits. Blah blah blah.
  13. & I only got the phone call! Different department, different process, I guess. Half of my notifications so far have been by phone, and half by email. Who knows. Either way, still waiting for more info.
  14. The interview was with: Katherine Hayles, Mark Hansen (the DGS), Toril Moi, Antonio Viego, and Robyn Wiegman (aka the whole adcomm). Jameson was supposed to be there as well, but didn't end up being present. I was terrified of talking to both him and Hayles, as I had cited both in my writing sample (arguing pretty much directly against Hayles at one point)--but she, at least, ended up being super nice, so not as scary as I was thinking. Still nervous to meet Jameson if I do in fact end up there, though! And, yeah, Prof. Hansen, who called me, said something about it--but I was too excited to actually catch the date, haha, so, I'm still waiting for the official email to figure out when it exactly is.
  15. For what it's worth, everywhere seems to be running early this year--both my english programs and my comp lit ones. Not sure if this will continue to hold true, but, either way: "early Feb" starts in two days So, super close. And, much luck.
  16. @Pink Fuzzy Bunny the 11:20pm one was, at least I think, an automated message sent out to everyone rejected (rather than the personalized ones sent for acceptances/wait-lists)--so I'm guessing there was some sort of computer system delay between decisions being inputted, and the automated system actually sending them out (everything submitted online at that school seemed to have at least a few hours worth of lag before showing up). This might be the same case for the generic emails that direct you to check the web application. As for the ones on weekends/holidays: I don't necessarily know why this couldn't have been done yesterday, or waited 'til Monday/the next working day--but I'm glad for the news!
  17. I got my own acceptance call from Duke today! Maybe I'll see you down at the prospective's weekend, @solomonski (if English and Lit bring people down at the same time, at least.)
  18. Not to increase stress, or encourage more obsessive checking, but, at least from my experience so far, it really can come at any time/day. Almost every single one of my notifications came at unexpected times: One came today, a Saturday. One yesterday, aka Friday, at 7:30pm (basically the weekend). One on MLK day (a holiday for that campus and mine). One at 11:20pm (yes, same time zone).
  19. He seemed somewhat annoyed during the interview, too (so, maybe that's just his usual, totally-not-actually annoyed tone of voice), which worried me at the time, as well. But: ohmygosh. I had no idea what kiffles were, but, with a brief google search: thank you for the idea, and I'm about to find and/or bake these at some point. They look so good!
  20. Thanks! And yes! The DGS was like "Sorry for calling you on a weekend, but....." (also, he sounded somewhat tired and/or annoyed) so at that point, with the tone and apology, I was bracing for "Sorry to call you with this news on a weekend, but we're not able to offer you a place." But, happily surprised it was positive news.
  21. It was about 10 minutes ago--so like 5 hours after the first ones showed up on the results board. They didn't give any further details about the process, but with that time gap, it seems like they're not calling everyone back to back. There's still definitely a chance! (according to discussion in past years, they wait-list everyone that was interviewed but not definitely accepted--so if they sent out wait-list confirmations yesterday, I'd say, trying not to be overly optimistic, the chance is a good one.) Crossing fingers for both you and my friend who was interviewed.
  22. I got the call--a yes. (which confirms that terrible interviewees can still be admits) Here's hoping you hear soon as well.
  23. @piglet33 @Pink Fuzzy Bunny ah! yes! would love to meet you all and others here!
  24. I applied to quite a few. Columbia, CUNY, Brown, UT Austin, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and Michigan I'm still waiting on... As far as I can tell, it'll still be a few weeks 'til any news from them (and thankfully no more interviews).
  25. Okay. Yeah, mine was Lit. as well, and seemed to go about the same (except it was characteristically nervous for me; all interviews go just about like the beginning of IJ despite me having no problem with things like larger-scale public speaking or classroom discussion). We'll see though. I have a friend who also interviewed, who I think did a lot better than me, who also hasn't heard, so who knows. Let me know if you get any news, though.
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