Hey, all. I've applied for a liberal arts-based interdisciplinary PhD program. Just got my official GRE scores today, and I'm bummed about getting a 5.5 on the writing. Normally, that would seem pretty great, but even though my verbal is pretty high (165), my quantitative is EXTREMELY low (148). When I visited my target program a few months back, the director literally told me, "We do NOT care about your quantitative score." Yet I'm still a little scared because I had perhaps stupidly assumed I'd get a 6 on the writing, which I'd done years ago when I took the GRE in its previous incarnation.
My graduate GPA is 3.75, but my undergrad is only 3.1-ish. I look good on paper in some ways, but I'm an older student (I'll be 41 when I start this program), and I'm scared that they might not want to accept someone who would be seeking tenure in their 50s, most likely, without having all other elements be pretty much stellar. The other consideration is that this program will only accept students they can fully fund, so while I might be a good academic "risk," maybe I'm not a good funding risk for some reason.
I do have plenty of time that I could retake the GRE, but there's always a chance I'd do worse, I suppose, and taking it the first time was incredibly stressful.