I'm deciding between the MA programs of FSU, UF, VTech, and NIU. I have funding at two of these and am wait-listed for the other two. If I get funding at all of them, though, I'm not sure which I'd accept. FSU seems to be a tier above the others in terms of faculty, but it has the downsides of being primarily a PhD program. However, I'm told that the PhD and MA tracks are exactly the same for the MA portion of the program (i.e. the first two years) so I'm not sure whether this should even be a concern of mine. The Florida MAs have the best funding, and I'd also like living in Florida. However, VTech and NIU have a proven placement record and I'll be with a cohort of students applying to PhD programs.
Another concern is that lots of FSU MA students transition into the PhD program, and I'm afraid my professors will be offended if instead of doing that I try to apply out of the program.