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Posts posted by HaleyWantstobeaTherapist

  1. Hey everyone!

    I'll be attending BC in the fall to get my MSW. I'm very excited because it means taking out minimal loans as long as I find a part time job. I'm not worried about being able to juggle school work and class work (as I am juggling 35 hours a week at a preschool, 10 at a crisis hotline, an internship and 9 academic credits currently). However, I currently work in a field that is loosely related to social work as I'm working with children. I would most prefer to work in a field that is also related during my masters program in Boston, but it doesn't seem like child care will be possible with how my weekly schedule is going to look and the fact that I don't plan on taking my car. 

    This leads to my question. Those of you who are currently in an MSW program or are planning to attend one while working part time, what kinds of jobs are you going to be looking for? i have worked as a server and other unrelated type jobs before, but I would really like to stay within the field if at all possible. I'm sure there are other jobs out there other than childcare that are related to the field. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  2. On 3/13/2017 at 10:04 AM, alisham said:

    I don't think it does since you get the scholarship from the school of social work & not from the financial aid office. I know the scholarship amount is taken into account when they're considering financial aid. And you still have time to hand in your grad school financial aid form since the deadline is April 18th.

    Is the financial aid form online? I looked and it was the one for the previous year. Do I just mail it in to them?

  3. On 3/13/2017 at 4:26 AM, hanndema said:

    Hey, I wanted to ask you: how long did it take for the dean to respond to your email about reconsidering the scholarship? I actually emailed him a few days ago because Michigan raised my scholarship amount and I wanted to see if BC could possibly match it. Only problem is that I have to accept/deny Michigan's scholarship by the 15th, and I don't know if he'll have time to reply by then. How long did you have to wait? 

    It took him over a week and a half. Long enough that I had pretty much completely lost hope about getting a response haha. 

  4. On 2/8/2017 at 5:50 AM, day_manderly said:

    I'm going to be attending Boston College this Fall, and I'd like to live very close to BC (it's in Chestnut Hill) and away from big city life. What would you guys suggest?

    Hey, everyone. I will be attending BC in the fall also, and I'm coming from a college town in FL so I'm not really sure how one looks for housing in the real world. I'm likely going to have to book a bunch of viewings for the same week when I can visit. When should I plan on visiting to view apartments? When will the best deals become available for an August move in? I plan on living in the Brighton/Allston area

  5. On 2/23/2017 at 1:47 PM, Amanda87 said:

    One thing a friend of mine told me: if you want to go ahead and pay the BC deposit, but want to still may consider Loyola, then maybe add the deposit you'd make to BC to the amount of money Loyola would need to offer you. I think its $300 at BC, so just add $300 on whatever number you'd want from Loyola.

    I never actually thought of the whole "adding the deposit to what Loyola should have to give me" aspect. That's a great idea, thank you!

    i ended up just putting the deposit down. I'm gonna see what I can do if Loyola somehow makes it way cheaper to go there, but I don't anticipate that happening.

    I'm SO excited now. I was thinking grad school really wasn't gonna work out for me this coming year and I can't believe I'm moving to Boston!

    22 hours ago, HB824 said:

    I live in the Boston area and there are def more affordable places than that!! Look into Allston and Brighton! 

    I've been researching for quite a while now and it looks like Brighton and Allston are definitely gonna be the move. I'm totally cool with having roommates, so I'm just gonna look for the cheapest/best option I Can find when it comes to housing.

  6. 12 hours ago, Mhinsh said:

    I emailed asking for an extension, my deadline will be the 28th. Here was the response I received.

    "Congrats again. You do have 3 weeks from the date you received your letter to send in your response.  I can only allow an extension once that three weeks has ended. Please check back with us as this date approaches. "

    I actually just went ahead and put down the deposit. Thank you so much for the response though!

  7. 3 hours ago, tuxedobird10 said:

    Thanks for your reply! I've gotten the scholarship award letter in the mail with my acceptance but not the information on loans/work study that I quality for. Have you heard anything about that yet? 

    It says online that that info won't go out Til beginning of April. I think they don't wanna determine all that for people who may not actually attend 

  8. 5 hours ago, HB824 said:

    How did you get them to raise your scholarship? Good luck deciding!! I feel you, I won't hear from one of my schools until march 15!!

    I emailed he dean of admissions explaining that I had gotten higher scholarship amounts from other schools, but Boston college is my first choice and I am not financially equipped to pay that much in tuition. Then I simply asked if I could possible be reconsidered for a higher scholarship amount

  9. Anyone ever had any luck asking BC for an extension? I have to give them my decision by Friday and I was planning to decline, but they increased my scholarship. Loyola won't get back to me about scholarships til after March 1st so I'm not sure how to handle this, or even who to ask about an extension. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, taracot said:

    Hi everyone! My name is Tara and I'm a current BC student who applied to Simmons and is waiting to hear back, and is about to apply to BC. I'm from NY and got into Fordham today (with minimal aid) and am waiting to hear back from Hunter.

    Right now, Hunter is my top choice! I really like BC (since I'm an undergrad here, it would be really familiar) and Simmons, but my decision would really depend on financial aid/scholarships.

    Is there anyone else on this thread getting an MSW right from undergrad? Does anyone happen to know more about aid at Fordham as well? I only got $2,000 per year.


    -Tara :)

    I'm applying right from undergrad as well. So far, I'm having trouble with being able to stomach how much money it's going to cost me! I got into both BC and Simmons, but not with enough aid from either.

  11. 6 minutes ago, CCD2016 said:

    This is remarkably similar to the situation I am in. $0 undergrad debt, wanting to keep grad debt ~$40k, but I am realizing this is increasingly unlikely. Even with a fairly substantial scholarship offered at admission. There will be more to develop, but I am incredibly anxious about debt, living expenses, etc. I have a lot to think about over the next few months, for sure. 

    It's really very stressful. I thought for sure I had everything figured out but that doesn't seem to be working out that way. Where did you apply?

  12. Thank you all for responding! I'm not carrying any debt from undergrad (in state tuition and scholarships) so that's a big plus. I was trying to stay around 40k for my MSW, because of that whole "don't take out more than you'll make in a year" philosophy. However, I'm realizing now that that's pretty unrealistic no matter what I do. I think I'll shoot for 60k, maybe?

    If I chose to stay in state, this wouldn't even be a problem for me. However, I've wanted to move north for literally my whole life and I've heard that getting your MSW wherever you can you can see yourself staying for a while is the best idea. I can't imagine living in Florida for too much longer so I figured I'd bite the bullet and try to move north for grad school.

  13. Hey, everyone

    I was recently admitted to Simmons and Smith MSW programs, but both were entirely too expensive (around 80k in debt, taking into account both scholarships and grants). I've been pretty bummed about it and now I'm worried I won't be able to pull off going to grad school in the fall, even despite getting accepted.

    I have also been admitted to BC and Loyola, but haven't heard back about funding for either. I'm hopeful, but still skeptical. 

    I have read a few threads asking how much debt is too much, etc. and it seems that the general consensus is that it's a personal preference. This has made me curious. How much are you, personally, okay with going into debt for a MSW? What is your thought process to come to that conclusion? What are the ways that you expect going into that debt will be worth it in the long run? 

    I still realize that this will end up being a personal preference, but I think it is a worthwhile conversation. I hope somebody can bring some points to light that I hadn't previously thought of. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Amanda87 said:

    Awesome congrats!! Wasn't that your #1?

    Yes, but I did a cost breakdown and its basically financially impossible, even with the merit award and grant they offered. I've pretty much ruled it out already.

    It's okay, though. I'm pretty happy to have even been accepted. Looks like I'll just keep waiting on that financial package from BC to come in the mail and I'll evaluate that option.

  15. Hey everyone,

    This is an extremely old thread that hasn't been used in years. But I wanted to get an opinion:


    I was just admitted to Smith College for Social Work and placed in Northern California. It has always been a dream of mine to live in San Fran, but I'm trying to work out the actual plausibility of this. I am very willing to live with roommates and have a commute to my placement. What would you say the average cost of living per month would be for a grad student in this area? $1500? $2000?

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